
Sr. Luiza da Silva is a member of an inter-congregational community in Vendaval in Brazilian Amazonia. She speaks enthusiastically about the values of the Ticuna people, the ethnic group the Sisters work with. The people are very poor and needy but they have plenty of what is most important –... Read more
Sri Lanka: The suffering of war widows, in the midst of pain and social exclusion by Melani Manel Perera An interview with Lavina Hasanthi Perera, Women's Desk coordinator of the National Fisheries Solidarity Movement (NAFSO). The northeast of the country is home to over 85 thousand widows. The... Read more
There was a large gathering of parishioners and invited guests at the Mass of Thanksgiving on 11 February 2015 to mark the 125 years or Holy Family presence in the parish of Magherafelt. Holy Family Sisters from Britain and Ireland were among those invited and these included four members of the... Read more
Living our prophetic mission radically Through baptism, all Christians are commissioned and empowered to participate in the prophetic mission of Christ. Pope Francis believes that religious, by their consecration to the Lord, are called in a special way to live and act prophetically. For him the... Read more
Becoming experts in communion Excessive individualism, living on my own and for my own interests characterizes large sections of our society. The possibilities of digital communication are fascinating, yet often remain superficial and unfulfilling. Increasingly people have a longing for deeper... Read more
My first and only love At the origin of every call to religious life is a deep desire for God and a fascination with the person of Jesus and his liberating message. The way God’s Spirit touches us can be very different for every individual. The cares of daily life, the power of habit, failures and... Read more
The centre where the Assembly of Brazil took place is called “The Arsenal of Hope”. At the moment, it is a house which receives homeless people and is also a meeting place for the young people of the Ipiranga region where we live. We joined with the group from the Parish of San Alfonso. The phrase... Read more
Grateful for the past – living the present with passion At the occasion of the Year of Consecrated Life Pope Francis has written an Apostolic Letter to all religious in the Church. The Vatican Congregation responsible for religious has collected material from various talks and interviews in a... Read more
Many Sri Lankans seek work and easy money in the Gulf, the Middle East, Malaysia and Singapore. However, the poorly educated and the unskilled have become the victims of human trafficking, including prostitution and forced labour. As far as human trafficking goes, Sri Lanka is the point of arrival... Read more
Pope Francis' words after the recitation of the Angelus prayer to the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square: Dear brothers and sisters, today, the liturgical feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, the African nun who as a young girl had the tragic experience of being a victim of trafficking, the... Read more
This year is dedicated to “Consecrated Life”. What do we mean when we say that we are consecrated? Evidently the dictionary definitions – to be declared sacred; set apart – are no longer meaningful within a worldview where everything is sacred and all creation is infused with the Divine. There is... Read more
In the year of Consecrated life (30 th November 2014 - 2 nd February 2016), Africa/South Africa Bishops pay tribute to the consecrated women and men who founded the local Church. Here are surely included the Sisters of the Holy Family who were an important pioneering presence in South Africa from... Read more
In the year of consecrated life, 3 days of prayer had been conducted in the three Christian traditions: Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican. It was with a sense of joy and much enthusiasm that I joined the group of my sisters to participate in the prayer held in the Russian Orthodox church of St... Read more
on the dramatic situation in the country. Dear Brothers and Sisters, During these past few days, Kinshasa has been in a state of insufferable si ege . The people are in revolt; some politicians, together with the police, are sowing seeds of desolation and creating general insecurity. We condemn... Read more
Hundreds gathered in Mullaitivu tsunami memorial place on Friday to mark the 10 th anniversary of a disaster that still leaves an indelible mark on the pla ce. When a 9.15-magnitude quake opened a fault line deep beneath the ocean on Dec. 26 a decade ago, it triggered a wave as high as 17.4 meters... Read more
10 January a huge number of people demonstrated in front of the French embassy in Rome in order to express their solidarity with the victims of the attack which occurred on 7 January. They gathered to reject violence and brutality. Candles, flowers and moving messages were placed there. Above all,... Read more
Some members of the Holy Family of Helmut, the Holy Family of Bergame and the Holy Family of Bordeaux. Some thirty Religious from three Congregations founded under the protection of the Holy Family of Nazareth came together on Sunday, 28 December in the Holy Family School complex of Kinshasa-... Read more
FRANCIS FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE WORLD DAY OF PEACE - 1 JANUARY 2015 “NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS” At the beginning of this New Year, which we welcome as God’s gracious gift to all humanity, I offer heartfelt wishes of peace to every man and woman, to all the world’s peoples and... Read more
The grace which was revealed in our world is Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, true man and true God. He has entered our history; he has shared our journey. He came to free us from darkness and to grant us light. In him was revealed the grace, the mercy, and the tender love of the Father: Jesus is... Read more
Nearly 25 years ago, the world made a promise to children: that we would do everything in our power to protect and promote their rights to survive and thrive, to learn and grow, to make their voices heard and to reach their full potential. In spite of the overall gains, there are many children who... Read more