
“Exterior things exercise A great influence on our exterior senses” A garden, a meeting place of the creature and his/her God, A space where nature and the hand of human beings intermingle to create beauty, harmony and freshness. An Atmosphere that opens to the space of silence, to the murmur of... Read more
CONVINCED THAT COMMUNION IS POSSIBLE A series of meetings of different groups in the Spiritual Family of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles took place at the Holy Family General House, Rome from 18 – 26 September’. The Council of the Family, 18 -21 September The Leadership of the Association of the Holy... Read more
“It is important that today, as in the past, the voice of faith continue to be heard, for it is a voice of fraternity and love, which tries to bring out the best in each person and in each society.” Here is th text of Pope Francis’ address to a Joint Session of the United States Congress at the... Read more
Holy Father's address during his Wednesday General Audience in St. Peter's Square, September 9. Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning! Today I would like to focus our attention on the bond between the family and the Christian community. It is, so to speak, a “natural” bond, because the Church is... Read more
First of all, I would like to welcome you and express my gratitude to each one of you for having accepted the invitation to come and take part in this meeting. We hope that, during these days, we will have an experience of being Family and rekindle together the Gift we have been given. We are here... Read more
In the Gospel of Mark we also heard the experience of Bartimaeus, who joined the group of Jesus’ followers. He became a disciple at the last minute. This happened during the Lord’s final journey, from Jericho to Jerusalem, where he was about to be handed over. A blind beggar, Bartimaeus sat on the... Read more
I was happy to be a participant Ninth Plenary Assembly of the International Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF) at the Ad Gentes Centre ( run by the Society of the Divine Word) in Nemi (Italy), from June 18 to 23, 2015. The Plenary Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Federation. This was a... Read more
Florida de Liébana, Salamanca, is the most recent foundation that the Province of Spain has made in a rural area. The Sisters have been there for some months now and share their first impressions with us. During the few months we have lived here, we have heard various sounds – some from outside,... Read more
Time really flies! As if, my going to the Phillippines happened only yesterday! ‘Tempus fugit’- true to its sense! Sisters in my home Province kept on telling, that I was running away. They asked me for the reason for my decision, trying to guess. All their opinions were incorrect. Unlike some... Read more
I am Jean Marilag; a very simple girl came from a simple family in town of San Isidro. My parents are farmers. All that my mother taught me was to have fear of God and not to forget Him in my daily Life no matter whatever that happens. But I didn’t have any idea of who God is. I only know that... Read more
The 150 anniversary of the arrival of the Holy Family Sisters in Lesotho comes a happy coincidence during the Year of Consecrated Life . Pope Francis told women and men religious to “wake up the world”. It can truly be said that the Holy Family sisters woke up Lesotho for the occasion. From the... Read more
"The events of recent times cause many of us to ask: 'Is there still space for dialogue with Muslims?' The answer is: yes, more than ever" Here is the full text of a Declaration published this morning by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue: “The events of recent times cause many of... Read more
26 APRIL 2015 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Theme: Exodus, a fundamental experience of vocation Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Fourth Sunday of Easter offers us the figure of the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep: he calls them, he feeds them and he guides them. For over fifty years the universal... Read more
This was a unique moment in the history of the Church and in religious life when 1310 female, male formators from 106 countries and 416 religious congregations came together in Rome from 7 – 11 April 2015. The presence of religious from countries where living one’s consecration is a challenge and a... Read more
LISTEN TO THE ANGEL: “BE NOT AFRAID” “They went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.” (Mark 16:8) When I forget my identity as a beloved child of God, I lose my way in life. I become scared frightened and start... Read more
If I were there to hear this message when it was first proclaimed would I have believed it? I doubt it. How could I believe such a thing? Therefore, I do not blame those who did not believe. How do we know that He was risen - because the tomb was empty? There are other explanations for the empty... Read more
Discernment in decision-making As Jesuit Provincial and later as Archbishop of Buenos Aires during the military dictatorship the present Pope had to take some difficult decisions. Not all were good decisions, as he frankly admits. In a remarkable interview with the editor of a Jesuit magazine Pope... Read more
On March 14, 2015, a violent incident took place in Ranaghat, West Bengal, India, on the premises of the Religious of Jesus and Mary. Their school was robbed, the chapel desecrated, and one of the Sisters gravely sexually assaulted. The Superior General of the congregation has sent a press release... Read more
A study of the social and environmental impact made by the exploitation of material resources. “Our way of life is asphyxiating the indigenous people and is suffocating us also.” This is the clear statement made by Francisco Faragó, Director of The Amazonian Jungle (Selvas Amazónicas ), who... Read more
Responding to new needs of Evangelisation It is a central concern of Pope Francis that the Church and especially religious should not be preoccupied by themselves and their internal problems, but go out to the poor and the marginalised in society. The older we become the greater is the risk to turn... Read more