
of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles Pierre Bienvenu Noailles, embraces all vocations within the Church and because its charism of Communion responds to the challenge of the modern world. “The Holy-Family seemed to me like a huge tree, a sort of oak tree with green branches. One could visualise flowers and... Read more
Perhaps when you see this title you will wonder “Why are we getting this information now? We already receive it through the social media which bombard us with information every day.” Sometimes, however, we have a defence mechanism which means that we hear information without listening to it. On... Read more
The extraordinary Synod on the Family will be held in Rome from 5 to 19 October. The theme of the synod is: The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the context of Evangelisation. Its principal objective is : To show today’s world the beauty and values of the family which come from the proclamation... Read more
2014 is a Jubilee year and a year of thanksgiving for the community of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux in Banda. This community was founded in 1989 at the request of Monseigneur Eugène BILETSI, the then bishop of the Idiofa diocese. All the members of the Family of P.B.N. – Religious and... Read more
“When I was in Prison, you visited me” (Mt. 25:36) These words of Jesus inspired me to take up the ministry in collaboration with “Prison Ministry of India” (PMI). It is worth to render our service to save the rejected and condemned young women of our society. I feel that this is a special call and... Read more
When asked to write an article on Nelson Mandela my first reaction was: “Can I, in one short article, do justice to this world icon whose legacy of freedom and equality will live on for a long time…?” I don’t think so. I remember so vividly the 11th February, 1990 – the day Mandela was released... Read more
We have just celebrated a day for refugees but do celebrations like that really make us reflect or do we just hear it said, “Today is World Day for Refugees”? The facts below give some idea of the real situation: Over twelve years ago, the General Assembly of the United Nations set up “The World... Read more
MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS Migrants and Refugees: Towards a Better World Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our societies are experiencing, in an unprecedented way, processes of mutual interdependence and interaction on the global level. While not lacking problematic or negative elements, these... Read more
Today we are united as a Family in celebrating the feast of Our Lady of all Graces. Mary played a significant role in the vocation of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles and in his work as a Founder – he invited us to honour her with the title of Our Lady of all Graces. In a sense it is she who draws us into... Read more
Communication at the Service of an Authentic Culture of Encounter [Sunday, 1 June 2014] Dear Brothers and Sisters , Today we are living in a world which is growing ever “smaller” and where, as a result, it would seem to be easier for all of us to be neighbours. Developments in travel and... Read more
An interview of the review “Vida Nueva” with Fr. Antonio SPADARO, SJ “The web is not an instrument of evangelisation but an environment to be inhabited.” Priest, Jesuit, writer, blogger, tweeter, teacher, consultant to two Pontifical Councils… He is also known because of his position as editor-in-... Read more
It was a normal, dull Winter’s evening. I hadn’t much to do so I lay down on the sofa to rest for a quarter of an hour. After a few minutes I fell asleep and found myself in a carpenter’s workroom. Was it really a dream? Things seemed strange. My clothes were not the ones I usually wear. I was... Read more
Resurrection is not just a return to life as it was, not just the resuscitation of a corpse. It is not just the ongoing existence of an immortal soul. Resurrection is new life beyond time and space but, as we see in Jesus, with a continuity of personhood. Resurrection is also the symbol of a... Read more
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven ” ( Mt 5:3) Dear Young Friends , How vividly I recall the remarkable meeting we had in Rio de Janeiro for the Twenty-eighth World Youth Day . It was a great celebration of faith and fellowship! There, on the seashore, Jesus... Read more
UNHCR - High Commissioner for Refugees United Nations I would like to inform you that we have received your donation. We are truly grateful ; you know how these resources are invaluable for our work at this time, which is so difficult because of the many humanitarian crises and lack of available... Read more
To mark 5 years since the inception of the Center Trafficking Office of LCCL/SACBC a conference was held at Good Shepherd Centre, Hartebeespoort. Its main purpose was to update ourselves on human trafficking and plan a way forward. The Conference gave an opportunity for participants to share all... Read more
The Water of Life and Joy The Mokolo Dam which collects water from the mountains. In our Delegation we live in two different situations. South Cameroon which has two rainy seasons each year; North Cameroon and Chad which have one rainy season that lasts from June to September. The people await the... Read more
Youth Yearning, orderliness, understanding, truthfulness and honour Come forward to make a group of people called YOUTH They are the energetic and generative power of the entire world They are fragile, fragmented and vulnerable to handle Some say that they are the strength and hope of a country... Read more
I was asked by Maristella of the Communications Team in Rome to write an article on St Joseph, whose feast day is marked with great devotion throughout the Catholic Church on 19 th March. First of all I wondered how I could possibly have enough information on St Joseph to write an article, and then... Read more
The Patu Woman (The Muyombe Mother) It is just a month since we arrived at Patu and we have discovered the following from the limited experience we have had of the women. The life of the Patu woman takes place on two levels: the spiritual level and care of the family. The language spoken in Patu,... Read more