
It is a well-known fact that Fr. Noailles had great devotion to Our Lady. We are told that “he loved her as a son loves his mother”. “He had to see her everywhere and, if we did not know how great his devotion for her was, we would be astonished to see so many of her images around him”. OUR LADY OF... Read more
(World Environment Day (WED) was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 and first celebrated the following year. This was the first occasion on which the political, social and economic problems of the global environment... WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY PRAYER FOR 5 TH OF JUNE, 2013 (... Read more
You must be wondering what the EGC participants have been up to during the last few days. We will tell you about it briefly. This meeting is in three parts: You must be wondering what the EGC participants have been up to during the last few days. We will tell you about it briefly. This meeting is... Read more
There is a lot of activity in the hall: the participants are arriving, they greet each other, they are happy to see one another and there is lots of life about. The assembly is made up of 27 participants from 23 countries, 16 Units, all bringing the wealth of their respective contexts; they are... Read more
To understand my Faith in my everyday life, it is necessary to understand what makes me live. I would say that Faith is a ‘gift’ story and a great love story. A ‘gift’ story, first of all, because I believe it is God who gives us the gift of Faith. God chooses us. God calls us. HOW MY FAITH MAKES... Read more
The need for improved relationships and a rebuilding of trust in the Church is the message that has been emerging from a meeting of the International Union of Superiors General, or UISG, which opened here in Rome last Friday. The five days meeting brings together some 800 leaders of women’s... Read more
Recently, the D. R. of Congo has seen serious difficulties cause by the war that is bringing about insecurity and ever-increasing poverty. The people, in spite of their efforts to claim their rights, remain powerless faced with the complexity surrounding the external and internal causes about them... Read more
During the International Meeting for Basic Formation in the Institute, March 2012, the sisters representing Canada and the countries of Europe, together with the sisters of the Vicariate, once more raised the issue of the topicality of our Charism for today’s world. INTERNATIONAL MEETING FOR THE... Read more
Since 2010 the sisters of the Delegation of Cameroon-Chad have wanted to open a second community in Chad to reinforce the community of Gounou-Gaya. The Visit of Animation by the two members of the General Leadership Team, Ana Maria and Micheline, helped us to reflect and decide on our priorities as... Read more
Every time you see or use water, remember it is a gift of God. Learn to develop a reverential attitude to this vital liquid. It is not just a commodity or object but rather “our sister”. By developing a contemplative gaze we are led to the Creator through creatures: “All praise be Yours, my Lord,... Read more
I thank the Lord that I can celebrate this Holy Mass for the inauguration of my Petrine ministry on the solemnity of Saint Joseph, the spouse of the Virgin Mary and the patron of the universal Church. It is a significant coincidence, and it is also the name-day of my venerable predecessor: we are... Read more
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected as Supreme Pontiff, the 265th successor of Peter, and has chosen the name Francis I. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE ELECTION OF THE POPE Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected as Supreme Pontiff, the 265 th successor of Peter, and has chosen the name Francis I... Read more
The status of women in Pakistan varies considerably across classes, regions, and the rural/urban divide due to uneven socio-economic development and the impact of tribal, feudal and capitalist social formation on women's lives. The Pakistani women of today enjoy a better status than most Muslim... Read more
Wednesday, 27 February 2013, was a special day in St. Peter’s Square, Rome, where the sun shone brilliantly. An immense multitude invaded the square with one desire, to thank and greet for the last time a Pope who had been loved as a father, a friend, a master. In the crowd banners of every country... Read more
Thinking back over the Family Congress and the Assembly of Priest Associates in which I had the joy of participating, I would like to share two convictions that seem to me insightful for the exercise of my ministry as a diocesan priest. TWO INSIGHTFUL CONVICTIONS Thinking back over the Family... Read more
I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age,... Read more
Pierre Bienvenu Noailles, Founder of the Holy Family of Bordeaux died on 8 February 1861. Here is a testimony from one of his contemporaries: HE LIVES FOREVER! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... Read more
3 February: We celebrate the 191st Anniversary of the Miraculous Benediction that took place in 1822 in our community at the beginning of the Foundation of the Holy Family of Bordeaux, the Family of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles. 3 February 1822 - 3 February 2013 3 February: We celebrate the 191 st... Read more
The traditional period in the northern hemisphere for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is 18-25 January. Those dates were proposed in 1908 by Paul Wattson to cover the days between the feasts of St Peter and St Paul, and therefore have a symbolic significance. The search for unity: throughout... Read more
In preparation of the 2013 International Year of Water Cooperation, and World Water Day 2013, the 2012/2013 Zaragoza International Annual UN-Water Conference focuses on how to make water cooperation happen. International Annual UN-Water Zaragoza Conference 2012/2013 'Preparing for the 2013... Read more