
Every Lent the Church in Brazil launches “The Fraternity Campaign”. The theme chosen this year for reflection/conversion/action is Fraternity and Human Trafficking. The slogan is, “Christ freed us so that we could remain free”. (Gal 5:1) The choice of this theme was the result of proposals made by... Read more
He became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich (cf. 2 Cor 8:9) Dear Brothers and Sisters, As Lent draws near, I would like to offer some helpful thoughts on our path of conversion as individuals and as a community. These insights are inspired by the words of Saint Paul: "For you know... Read more
"As we seek to build the world we want, let us intensify our efforts to achieve a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable development path built on dialogue, transparency and social justice." Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Message for the 2013 World Day of Social Justice The General Assembly... Read more
The concern is to find ways of helping the people to gather rain water. Another thing that we think is urgent is to begin working with the mothers and young girls of the village. We help the people according to their needs. With regard to the problem of water, we would like to have permanent access... Read more
THE MEANING FOR MY LIFE OF THE MIRACULOUS BENEDICTION OF FEBRUARY 3 1822 What does this date mean for the Family of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles? On that day, we remember and give thanks for a very special gift. On February 3 1822, in the poor chapel of Loreto, we find the seeds of what has become a... Read more
How can we use the power of language to avoid conflict and arrive at peaceful solutions? When there is a conflict, be it emotional or social, our way of communicating changes. We stop listening to the other person, we take no responsibility for the matter, we decide that it is either good or bad... Read more
WORLD DAY FOR MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES Acccording to the latest official bulletin of UNHCR (The United Nations High Commission for Refugees) more than 45 million people are either refugees or have been forcibly removed from their homes. This figure shows a dramatic increase in the number of displaced... Read more
INTRODUCTION TO THE THEME FOR THE YEAR 2014 Has Christ been divided? (cf. 1 Cor 1:1-17) In the Scripture passage chosen for our reflection this year, Paul begins his letters to the Corinthians with a powerful opening. Like an overture to an opera or the opening movement to a symphony, this passage... Read more
THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FAMILY FARMING The 2014 International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) aims to raise the profile of family farming and smallholder farming by focusing world attention on its significant role in eradicating hunger and poverty, providing food security and nutrition, improving... Read more
Epiphany means manifestation. Jesus makes himself known to all, without exception, beyond cultures, religions and appearances. Today he manifests himself as LIFE, in the here and now, in and through all, in the most trivial events, provided that we know how to look in depth, and to go beyond all... Read more
MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS FRANCIS FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE WORLD DAY OF PEACE 1 JANUARY 2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE 1. In this, my first Message for the World Day of Peace, I wish to offer to everyone, individuals and peoples, my best wishes for a life filled with joy and... Read more
Sunday, 29 December 2013-12-20 SAINT JOSEPH’S DREAM and THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT Mt. 2, 13-15; 19-23 “Go often to Nazareth and contemplate!” That is the frequently repeated invitation of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles. And today, in a special way, we can pause to contemplate St. Joseph’s 'dream’ and the... Read more
Yesterday, Sunday, the 22 nd of December , at the Chapel of the General House, Mattia was baptized. He is the firstborn son of a young couple, living in the Christian Community of Montespaccato, in the suburbs of Rome, ( Roman suburbs,) where, a few years ago, some of our sisters working in the... Read more
Sr. Bridgetammah SAVERIMUTHU "I know of a boat named Canada that brought our first two sisters, in 1949, from the Port of Marseilles in France, to the port of Douala in Cameroon to extend the family of God " In the 1987 November-December issue of Le Flamboyant, the newsletter of the Cameroon-Chad... Read more
Since the events of BOKO Aram in Nigeria, in our diocese there is a camp for refugees some 28 km from Mokolo . An appeal has been launched to help our sisters and brothers in distress. Mokolo is a city located almost on the border with Nigeria. There are parishes that share the border with the... Read more
Food – a sustainable future! (November 22 home AIAF) Reader 1 : 2014 has been declared the International Year of Family Farming. The General Assembly of the United Nations decided this at the end of last year, under pressure from 360 non-government organisations from more than 60 countries. There... Read more
GLOBAL RELIGIOUS LEADERS “WELCOME THE OTHER” The 9th World Assembly of Religions for Peace will bring Religious Leaders together to collaborate for Peace On November 20th, the 9th World Assembly of Religions for Peace will convene in Vienna, Austria. The 9th World Assembly of Religions for Peace... Read more
TYPHOON “HAIYAN”; HELP PHILIPPINE Haiyan first hit Samar and Leyte, about 600km southeast of the Philippine capital Manila, early on Friday morning. In all, it made six landfalls across the central part of the country, known as the Visayas region. A lot of people lost their homes. On Monday, three... Read more
Pope Francis' Prayer for the Families of the World (Here is the translation of the Holy Father's prayer for the Pilgrimage of Families of the World for the Year of Faith). Jesus, Mary and Joseph to you, Holy Family of Nazareth, today we turn our gaze with admiration and confidence; in you we... Read more
It is probable that Fr. Noailles meant by that what the French School called the virtue of religion, that is to say, the determination to see God above all else, in everything, to make everything depend absolutely on Him, A Spirit of Radicality - Pierre Bienvenu Noailles It is probable that Fr... Read more