The concern is to find ways of helping the people to gather rain water. Another thing that we think is urgent is to begin working with the mothers and young girls of the village. We help the people according to their needs.
With regard to the problem of water, we would like to have permanent access to drinkable water so that the life and health of the people Patu could be improved. This would also mean that the children could go to school again and that the women could do more than collect water, a chore which sometimes takes several hours.
Given the above-mentioned difficulties, we organised a meeting with the mothers in order to encourage them to cultivate land so that they could have a greater variety of food. Now our concern is to find a piece of land so that we can work with them.
At Patu, the local language is Kiyombé and we will have to learn it quickly if we are to be able to communicate easily with the people.
We want to live with the people by being part of the different groups of the parish and finding out with them what to do for the best.
We want to be close to the people, to live with them and to move forward together according to their needs.