
The hamlet of Marawila was blessed with religious faith in 1644, with a crowd of 600 Catholics and 50 school children, who gathered around the first church that was dedicated to St. Francis Xavier. FOOTPRINTS OF 125 YEARS – SRI LANKA The hamlet of Marawila was blessed with religious faith in 1644,... Read more
To continue the work begun at the Pastoral Care of Vocations Session for Europe and Canada last April in Martillac (see ECHOES, 5 April 2013), the team consisting of: Maria CROWLEY (Britain and Ireland) Rosi GARCIA (Spain) Lorette LAFFARGUE (France) Maria Adela VANACLOCHA (Martillac) Pastoral Care... Read more
A few introductory words helped us to gather the fruits and deep convictions of the session: “We have come from different realities and contexts but we are sent on the same misión. We did not come with empty hands nor do we go away with them empty.” Thursday, 3 October Closing prayer A few... Read more
Aim: To continue the work begun the day before and to evaluate the different documents paying particular attention to “Pooling and Sharing” 2 October 2013 Aim: To continue the work begun the day before and to evaluate the different documents paying particular attention to “Pooling and Sharing” (... Read more
This was a day of practical work, continuing the work done the day before on the report that is to be presented to the Chapter. It was centred on the specifics of the reality of each unity. TUESDAY 1 OCTOBER This was a day of practical work, continuing the work done the day before on the report... Read more
The prayer created the right environment to face the day's work, arduous perhaps, but necessary to continue with the work begun yesterday. Two quotations from our documents to guide and give meaning to the work that is to follow: MONDAY, 30 T opic: Guidelines for preparing the Report for the... Read more
The aim of the day was to enable the participants to reach a common understanding of the criteria to be used in dealing with projects and the administration of goods. They approached these topics in the context of the Holy Family Mission with reference to the document, Guidelines for the... Read more
THURSDAY 26 During the course of the day, through the reports presented from the different Units, the assembly was enabled to become more aware of the reality of each Unit. Then in reflection and dialogue the participants as a group took on the responsibility of the Institute as a WHOLE. Therefore... Read more
Wednesday - Thursday: 25-26 Days dedicated to the presentation of the financial reports of the respective units. Some desires expressed in the prayer ANNOUNCED the day’s theme and gave it meaning and depth. "Jesus sends us with what is necessary for the journey. We need nothing to witness to what... Read more
International Bursars’ Session 24 September 2013 A few words from Margaret at the opening of the session will indicate to us the main aims of the Session as well as the profound content of this first day: “From the point of view of God’s universe we live in a gift economy and not an ownership... Read more
A WINDOW ON LIFE We have just had a wonderful experience with young people from different parishes, at a summer youth camp for the newly confirmed (11- 16 years ) from 7 - 12 July 2013. This excursion, which in reality was a lovely time of relaxation for our youth, took place within the framework... Read more
WISHES FOR A NEIGHBOURHOOD F or some years now in France, the ANRU (National Development for Urban Renewal) has been at work in our neighbourhoods demolishing and rebuilding to give these areas a new look. It seemed like a good idea to re-plan them so that they are more human. Yet , it does not... Read more
On the feast of the Sacred Heart our two Sisters Séverine Kandolo and Solange Boma made their final commitment during the Eucharist celebrated by His Lordship José Moko Ekanga the bishop of Idiofa at which twenty priests and three deacons concelebrated. OUR SITERS MAKE PERPETUAL VOWS AT IDIOFA On... Read more
“I present this to the authorities presented here in all the organizations represented here, very much. And our thanks go to the people of brazil and their president. Thank you also goes to the United Nations. EASTERN REPUBLIC OF URGUGUAY TO ADDRESS THE CONFERENCE, MR. JOSE MUJIC A – “I present... Read more
When the women were rejected by the society Jesus had a special concern towards them, especially to those women who were oppressed by the society. He raised them up and helped them to live in dignity. COMPASSIONATE JESUS SPEAKS TO WOMEN “Do not weep for me: weep rather for yourselves and for your... Read more
On Friday, 8 March, I was invited to the community of Quesnel, there to experience a moment of intense communion, thanksgiving and hope for a new departure. With serene and confident hearts we celebrated the long road travelled together as a community, reminding ourselves of the mission that was... Read more
World Youth Day was initiated by Pope John Paul II in 1985. For the first celebration of WYD in 1986, bishops all over the world were invited to schedule an annual youth event to be held every Palm Sunday in their dioceses. It is celebrated at the diocesan level annually, and at the international... Read more
Do we need it ? Bottled water costs more than $1.50 a bottle ; This is 1.900 times the price of tap water. It is bad news for : Your Wallet On average, a North American citizen Spends $400 a year on bottles of water. BOTTLED WATER Do we need it ? Bottled water costs more than $1.50 a bottle ; This... Read more
As I think how to celebrate the Feast of Our Dear Founder, Amidst my stream of activities, a voice in me cried… Stop! Listen to what you are hearing At the urging of the inner call to stop, I paused for a while and I hear the words of Pope Francis which turn my direction… I am inspired and am... Read more
These are the words of Fr. Giovanni La Manna president of the centre for emigrants and refugees at Astalli where some of our Sisters do voluntary work. HUMAN RIGHTS FOR REFUGEES: A FANTASY These are the words of Fr. Giovanni La Manna president of the centre for emigrants and refugees at Astalli... Read more