
We commit ourselves to deepen our understanding of our Charism in the light of this new consciousness, in order to express our specific Holy Family gift in the world. Family of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles International Congress September 2011 - September 2013 The meeting of the Council of the Family,... Read more
When I visit Rome, I usually experience a deepening of my spirituality and understanding of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles and the Association of the Holy Family. My contacts with the members of the General Council are very enriching as well as my contacts with my brothers and sisters coming from... Read more
Now we are looking forward to the next World Youth Day, to be held in Madrid in August 2011. Now, at a time when Europe greatly needs to rediscover its Christian roots, our meeting will take place in Madrid with the theme: “Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith” (cf. Col 2:7)... Read more
Today we are in the Computer Age. The use of computer has certainly changed our life-style. Distance is not a problem at all. Almost 80% to 90% of work is computerized. The whole world has shrunk into a global village. In this modern world, human beings cannot meet all their requirements in time... Read more
June 21 to 23, I once more had the opportunity to participate in the European Council of Religious Leaders in Moscow. European Council of Religious Leaders Religions for Peace June 21 to 23, I once more had the opportunity to participate in the European Council of Religious Leaders in Moscow . This... Read more
The 14 and 15 May were declared “Open Days” at the Spirituality Centre of the Solitude. On those days many friends and acquaintances of the Sisters assembled. " La Solitude" The 14 and 15 May were declared "Open Days" at the Spirituality Centre of the Solitude. On those days many friends and... Read more
On the 29 June, we celebrate with the Church the feast of St Peter and as a Family, we remember is a special way, Pierre Bienvenu Noailles. 29 June …a dream realised   On the 29 June, we celebrate with the Church the feast of St Peter and as a Family, we remember is a special way, Pierre Bienvenu... Read more
Today, we live in a world of chaos. Whatever we listen to or read through the media, is by and large about violence, killings and all types of atrocities caused to humanity and nature. Greed, power-over, control, suppression and oppression seem to be the rule of the day! Hope seems a far dream... Read more
His response to God’s call was also a gift to humanity that was impoverished and thirsting for lasting values in the midst of suffering and conflict at a time of transition and transformation. 12 JUNE – OUR LADY OF ALL GRACES 1816, St. Sulpice, Paris. A young man, filled with enthusiasm gives his... Read more
Africa has more or less ¾ of the tropical regions of the world. Because of its vegetation, it is an important green ocean, which is to say: the continent consists of forests, woodlands, savannah grasslands and steppes. The tropical forest of Central Africa is the second largest forest complex in... Read more
This year, many of the Latin American countries celebrate their independence. We have suggested many articles on this event in Interconections ; but today we present to you the profound message of the celebration in Paraguay through extracts from the Bishop’s message in L’agance Fides. A NEW... Read more
The new technologies are not only changing the way we communicate, but communication itself, so much so that it could be said that we are living through a period of vast cultural transformation. This means of spreading information and knowledge is giving birth to a new way of learning and thinking... Read more
Ever since I became more aware of my Christian vocation, the figure of St. Joseph has fascinated me, perhaps because I felt that one day I would make the decision to become a member of the Holy Family of Bordeaux as a lay associate. When I entered into contact with people who could help me to... Read more
Lord Jesus, you called me by name And sent me to work in your vineyard. You continue to call many women and men To be brothers and sisters to one another And to be open to all creation. LORD OF THE MISSION Lord Jesus, you called me by name And sent me to work in your vineyard. You continue to call... Read more
Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, the saving work of God extends to all creation. Human beings and creation are interdependent (Col 1, 18-20) TODAY HE IS RISEN AND HE LIVES! Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, the saving work of God extends to all creation. Human beings and... Read more
The Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation organised a Way of the Cross in the city of Rome on Sunday the 10th April 2011. It commenced at the SVD Generalate and ended at the Tiber Island, which was approximately 5km. AS WE WALK AND REFLECT ON THE PRESENT-DAY CRUCIFIXION OF THE... Read more
On Sunday April 3, sisters from the Generalate attended an evening of solidarity with Japan. The Japanese Catholic community in Rome organized a concert to raise funds for Caritas Japan. Solidarity with the Japanese people On Sunday April 3, sisters from the General ate attended an evening of... Read more
Sudarshani Fenando Thanuja Fernando Jayaranjana Cyril Neelamani Wanigasekara Completed their Novitiate period of formation at the Holy Family Novitiate "Nisansalaramaya" Diyathalawa Sri Lanka. FIRST COMMITMENT IN COLOMBO – SRI LANKA . Jayaranjana Cyril Neelamani Wanigasekara Thanuja Fernando... Read more
Discrimination has become an increasing problem in today’s society. We live in a globalised world where the media holds great sway and broadcasts images and situations that generate conflicts: immigration, displacement of peoples, unemployment, homosexuality, poverty and the situation of people... Read more
Mary was chosen by the Lord to be the Mother of Jesus the Saviour and the ‘yes’ she proclaimed in awe and wonder to Angel Gabriel fulfilled the prophesies. Joseph betrothed to the beautiful Mary, waiting in anticipation to marry her, finds her conceived and in the very human circumstances this is... Read more