
Washing of the Feet – a Gesture of Love As a result of a direct intervention by Pope Francis, the situation regarding the Washing of the Feet has been clarified. On 20 December 2014 he wrote to Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, and in January it was... Read more
An image that came to me most powerfully recently was the image of Jesus crying. We find several instances of Jesus crying in the Gospels. Jesus looked at the city of Jerusalem and wept:”O Jerusalem, Jerusalem how often I would have gathered you as a mother hen gathers her chicks, but you would not... Read more
I know a girl who aspired to become a classical pianist. She had natural talent. She spent hours in practice. Then one night a man broke into her house and attacked her with a knife, badly disfiguring her hands. Today her piano sits silent. I know a man who had a promising career in publishing. He... Read more
10 TPs from Lesotho, Rwanda and Uganda re-united at a workshop in South Africa. This was a wonderful moment for us to meet together, as for most of us we had shared good time in novitiate, whereas some were seeing each other for the first time in their lives as Holy Family members. This was the... Read more
In a hotel set amidst an olive grove on the Greek island of Lesvos, refugees fleeing violence in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other war zones share their traumatic experiences and mourn the loss of their past lives. A Syrian woman is haunted by the memory of her husband dying from a cardiac arrest... Read more
From L-R: Sr. Anselm, Sr. Reginette, Sr. Judith, Sr. Marguerite. Sister Anslem, Sister Reginette, Sister Judith, and Sister Marguerite were serving as caretakers at the Missionaries of Charity's convent and nursing home in Aden, Yemen. These sisters left their homes in India and Africa to serve the... Read more
Pursuing our Provincial Chapter commitment to collaborate with other organisations in support of refugees, a first port of call was the JRS (Jesuit Refugee Service). Some sisters, including Margaret Muldoon, had the privilege of meeting Louise Zanré who was JRS (UK) Director up to the end of last... Read more
We have heard the word Mercy a lot recently. In fact, the theme of this edition of Vocation for Justice is Mercy . On the centre pages you will find a very interesting modern interpretation of the traditional Christian teaching of the seven Corporal Works of Mercy . Mercy is so important for Pope... Read more
Muslim leaders from around the world adopted a declaration defending the rights of religious minorities in predominantly Muslim countries. Participants said the Marrakesh Declaration, developed during a Jan. 25-27 conference, was based on the Medina Charter, a constitutional contract between the... Read more
Prayer Lord our God, I need your light … When you can use my faith, my hope, My example, in spite of my sufferings or my failures, Please help me! Let me be a guide to my sisters and brothers; I know you are there to rescue us from the wrong path. When I am lost in my own comfort, help me To see... Read more
I would like to share my forty-eight years’ experience of missionary life in Africa with you. The Communications Team of the Unit wanted me to do it in the form of an interview. Fidèle : What led you to Africa, in particular to Cameroon Chad? Caroline: The words in the Encyclical letter “Fidei... Read more
I had the opportunity of taking part in the 1 st Oblate Latin American Congress on the pastoral care of vocations which took place in Aparecida, San Paulo, from 27 October to 2 November. I was quite impressed by their openness. Only three women took part: two Oblate Associate laywomen – one single... Read more
After almost 13 years of a rocky road in 2 different religious congregations, which I left thinking that I no longer wanted anything to do with religious life, I have finally found my spiritual home. After almost 8 years of reflecting, pondering, praying, listening carefully to what God was saying... Read more
Approximately 2.8 million Syrian children are out of school as a result of the war, 550,000 of whom are in Lebanon. The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) center in Jbeil serves nearly 500 Syrian refugee children, including providing psychosocial support to children through Peace Education classes. An... Read more
Between September 23 and 26 I participated in the II Congress of Consecrated Youth held in Cz?stochowa, Poland. The Congress theme was “The joy of Consecration” and the motto “…that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” (John 15:11) Nearly a thousand young people from different male... Read more
There are 69 armed groups which are still active in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, in a strongly degraded humanitarian context with 1.6 million people displaced. According to a statement sent to Agenzia Fides by the Peace Network for Congo, which cites a recent report carried out by the... Read more
Committed to our vowed life for mission, we will explore changes of structure and language in our ‘membership-leadership relationship’ that will enable a more integrated and prophetic contribution to mission. (General Chapter 2014) This statement from the General Chapter is more than a simple... Read more
Major step towards religious unity - EDITORIAL 2015-11-24 Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka) Editorial In a major step towards inter–religious dialogue and unity, the Catholic Church yesterday held an unprecedented memorial service of thanksgiving for the Most Ven. Sobitha Hamuduruwo who passed away on... Read more
This was the theme of the Regional Assembly of the Conference of Religious of Brazil which took place in São Paulo on 8 August, 2015. Carmem Lucia, a laywoman, addressed the topic. She spoke knowledgeably and, as a layperson speaking to religious, gave us an outsider’s view of consecrated religious... Read more
This has been a year of instability in the small kingdom of Lesotho. The situation has not been pleasant after the general elections held on the 28 th February 2015 which resulted in seven political parties forming a coalition government. After the formation of the current government all seemed to... Read more