The Holy Family remained in Alcalá la Real for 48 years, from 1972 to 2020. The religious community was closed in November. Today, the presence of the Holy Family continues through the Lay Vocation, with a large group of committed Lay Associates. On Friday 18 June, they accompanied the community of... Read more
MALAWI On the 11 th of January 2021, we began our 6 th ‘Uplift the Girl Child’ Training Process in Mthasewe, one of the centers in Benga Parish. It is here that we began our first training program two years ago, that we really, practically learned the culture and the needs of the girls. The first... Read more
“Growth of a mustard seed”: A reflective looking back of working with members of the Family of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles, and others, during the Pandemic. The ways of God are very mysterious! One can lose hope, faith and energy in knocking on doors that seem very unyielding as regards ministry in... Read more
With the JRS supporting asylum seekers Phone Support Due to the restrictions of the Pandemic the usual JRS activities were suspended leaving our refugee friends without what was a vital support and lifeline for many. Their sense of isolation increased as did their struggle to survive, since they... Read more
Marathon prayer rally against global human trafficking & our solidarity action in the Philippines H uman Trafficking is a global problem affecting people at all ages. It is subjecting people to forced labor for little or no pay. Human trafficking as defined is a form of slavery involving the... Read more
The idea of changing the logo for our Information Communication Service began during our last Information Communication meeting, held in May 2018 in Rome. A logo has to make an impression; it should be deceptively simple, and instantly recognizable. Therefore, we decided to take our inspiration... Read more
It is common in the beginning of the year to greet each other with “happy new year” I believe it is to express our best wishes for the year. How do I even begin to wish a blessed, happy or joyous year to anyone when people are dying in a search for a better life! Caledon River (Mohokare) which... Read more
Dear all, We are preparing to welcome and celebrate the GOOD NEWS for this year and for all time: In Jesus, God has revealed his intimate love for humanity and for all creation. The prophet tells us: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep... Read more
Since the first Papal Approbation of the Constitutions of the Holy Family, dated Dec 18, 1903, reaffirmed in 1988, it has been a tradition that we renew our Vows on that date… What is the significance of this gesture? Does it mean much to those of us who are already “perpetually professed”, or to... Read more
When the whole world is caught up in pandemic, stand still and locked down…..In Malawi….. one of the poorest country…. On the 26 th of October we began our 5 th ‘Uplift Girl Child’ Training programme at Chikowa , one of the centers of Benga Parish . Continue Reading ... https://... Read more
Rome, 25th November Dear Sisters, I write to inform you that yesterday in Pau, (France) our dear Sister Marie-Paule CHAUVIN entered eternal life. Many of us knew her personally, but for those who did not, Sister Thérèse Segretain (Provincial of the France-Belgium Network) shares the following... Read more
From the Inter-Vocational Team A long time ago when I was seventeen years old, I was at a camp organised by the Eucharistic Youth Movement. A companion to whom I had spoken about my desire to be a missionary in Africa said to me, “The best way to see things clearly is to personalise your faith”... Read more
Kathleen Mitchell, South Africa Our move from Auckland Park to Rose Village, Methodist Retirement Centre, took a long time to become a reality. In fact, we (Shelagh Mary, Melanie, Kathleen and Joy) wondered whether it would happen at all. Once our house in Auckland Park was sold, we were due to... Read more
Sr. Blandina Tsibela Lesotho Due to some restriction movement measures in Lesotho, it is impossible to meet the Marginalized. However, there is an urgent need to fight for women and children who are facing great difficulty of being assaulted and murdered. We succeed this fight as a nation not as... Read more
Bicentenary celebration and Final Profession of Sr. Anualite BUSINGE in Rwanda. please click the link to watch the full video of the Eucharistic Celebration. Hope you will enjoy it! YouTube Link: more
227th Birthday of Ven. Pierre Bienvenu Noailles Your birth was such a gift to your family that your mother named you 'Bienvenu' (Welcome!). Your company was so pleasant to the children that they named you 'Good Father'. Your presence was such an inspiration to our first members and others that they... Read more
Fortunate are those who hunger and thirst for justice, For they shall be satisfied. “Whatever you have done to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to me” Sr. Eucharista Cyril Rizal Community The Holy Family Feeding and Health Program in Rizal in the Diocese of Sorsogon is... Read more
19 September 2020, another historical event marked the story of Holy Family sisters of Italian unit. The community of Monte Nevoso, Rome has finally moved into a new house – a small apartment- in Monte Trina Rome. At first, the house in Monte Nevoso was occupied by the prison chaplains and was sold... Read more
HOLY FAMILY SISTERS ST. DAVID (Lesotho) GIVE FOOD PARCELS TO VULNERABLE STUDENTS On the 27th of August, 2020. The sisters at St. David distributed food parcels and sanitary products to Mampota high school students who are most vulnerable due to covid 19 pandemic. Donated food included maize meal,... Read more
As we all are aware, the awaited 20th General chapter, had to be postponed due to the pandemic COVID 19. However, the chapter commission continues to work with the facilitator, Mr. Matthieu DAUM, seeing the possibilities of how to proceed, re-energizing the members with the preparatory work begun... Read more