Day 3

The day’s prayer began with an invocation to the Holy Spirit, and drawing inspiration from the reading of Mt. 5: 14, “You are the light of the world".

Silent music to make us dance our life ...come

Clear lens that makes us look at reality with hope ... come

Loving comforter of the poor and afflicted ... come

The prayer also echoed that “Communion circulates among us… around us. Something new is being created and generated”.

The first assignment of the day involved calling to mind the Preparatory Meeting, where the Capitulants were asked to consider what real changes were necessary so that the Holy Family Sisters of 2040 would be grateful for the choices made in 2021.

Matthieu began by quoting this warning:

“If we keep doing what we have been doing, we are going to keep getting what we have been  getting.”

He invited them to connect to the following elements.

  • “In 2040, some Sisters who are in this assembly will no longer be there, many young ones will not yet have entered. However, your choices today will have some impact on them… for which they will appreciate you.
  • Allow the above two questions to move you, developing your thinking  about the  changes you think necessary, for you are called to revitalise yourselves by letting go of the same patterns of thinking and doing.”

After the guidelines, the participants were sent to the small groups to be involved in conversations – after which they were instructed on the following:

  • After the break of the first session, Matthieu clarified more points about choosing sisters;  giving suggestions as how to connect with the capitulant (via personal chat or choosing a “zoom room”) with whom one wants to talk in relation to the matter in hand.
  • Maintaining the space of confidentiality was emphasised.