Day 6

During the 6th day, Mattheiu led the Capitulants to go back to the experience of Feb – March, the journey initiated, to see where the Body is in this specific time in its history.

He recalled the question that came up in the EGC of 2019 – “Can we still live our purpose…?"– which was then worked on in the Unit Chapters and how the feedback was dealt with in Feb-March process.

The whole of last week, the Capitulants worked mainly on the discernment process for the election of the Superior General of the Institute.   The time had come now to see and sense what we are to be collectively committed to bring forward, for the best possible future for the Body.

In that sense, he linked to what the participants as a whole have accepted - that we are in a critical situation. In fact, a survey carried out during the February-March process showed that the vast majority of the Capitulants admitted that the Institute is in a critical or very critical state. This was a significant awakening, which has the strong potential to stimulate the emergence of a decisive response. “Can we still live our purpose as we begin our 3rd Century?” The question has still not been answered.

Explaining further the present reality, Matthieu said, “you are entering into a particular time in your history … the reality you are aware of, is strongly linked to your reflection and action. Listen to the results without judgment.”  Everyone was invited to get in touch with what was echoing in her after studying the work done by the 8 groups that have worked with the Body since Feb-March:  Interculturality, Mission and Missionary call, Formation, Finance, Structures, Vicariate Structures, Units in the Evening of Life, and the PBN Family.

Time was given for personal reflection and work in small groups, with the instruction to carefully avoid:

  • The habitual, familiar and repetitive words, which will convey less meaning or no meaning with their frequent use. 

(We can imagine that for the Capitulants, it was a real challenge not to use these "Banned Words"!)

  • And to use words which are significant to new ways of understanding and realizing.

He also emphasized on being specific and concrete.


  1. What moved in me when I read all the documents of the 8 groups?
  2. What links, connections do I make, between all these different productions?
  3. What seems crucial to me?
  4. How much does what is being proposed match the (very) critical state of the body?

A random sharing of some points:  

  • To strengthen the Council of the Family with more collaboration and responsibility, including a representation of the Holy Family youth
  • Participative leadership at all levels; create a supportive system for the Vicariate.
  • Working together to develop a new understanding of Ecology and simple life style
  • A theology enabling to recognize the sacredness in all.
  • A transformation towards Ecological conversion
  • Take the opportunity of the Church’s movement towards Synodality and walk together with the Church.
  • Attentive to the cry of the poor and earth
  • Mission is our reference point for all our action
  • Intercultural communities in all countries
  • Financial sustainability
  • Formation for Mission – accompaniment at all levels, intercultural communities.