We women

We women; when we are connected to the deeper Spirit within, we listen and we trust, when we are connected to the Spirit, we know our value. 

Our Value is seeing our feminine quality in a new way; it is full of collaboration, community, creativity, fostering, and supporting one another. It's rewarding and wildly prosperous.

Here are 5 tips to living as a spiritually empowered woman with feminine potentially:

1. Think less, feel more. 

Your body is where the deepest part of your essence lives. Tap into your femininity, intuition, softness, gut feelings, by being connected to your essence and nurturing it. When you deeply connect, you feel more free to trust yourself, where courage comes from.

2. Start where you are. 

Not after the next course, but Now. Live your dream life, now. You have a unique purpose here on earth. This is your passion and service to the world.

3. Be committed to live with awareness.

 Be open, willing, forgiving. Live with prayer, reverence, and love. Use daily affirmations to transform old patterns and create new positive and love-based beliefs. 

4. Create community. 

Align with like-minded souls who nurture, inspire, encourage, support, and keep you accountable. Attend community events, uplift and empower other members.

5. Be bold. Take risks.

Step out of your comfort zone. Don't wait to be praised, discovered, or validated. Do not worry about what other people think. Clear your path by walking it courageously.

Spiritually empowered women are living fully in the present moment. They have learned to love themselves without judgement. They surrender their desires and thoughts to the Energy of Love (God) and reunite with the love essence that is always within. They share, serve, and smile and the Universe rewards them for it.