During the International Meeting for Basic Formation in the Institute, March 2012, the sisters representing Canada and the countries of Europe, together with the sisters of the Vicariate, once more raised the issue of the topicality of our Charism for today’s world.





Europe – Canada

Martillac 2 – 5 April 2013

How did this meeting come about?


During the International Meeting for Basic Formation in the Institute, March 2012, the sisters representing Canada and the countries of Europe, together with the sisters of the Vicariate, once more raised the issue of the topicality of our Charism for today’s world. We had the opportunity to share together on what was happening and being done in each Unit concerning the Pastoral Care of Vocations (General Chapter Decree 2008), especially in the context of these countries.


The fruit of this reflection was a strong call experienced by all: not to give up but to continue, and take the risk of offering the treasure of our Holy Family Charism, in the variety of its vocation, to our young people.


As a follow-up, the General Council caused a small international team to be formed with sisters from Europe, Canada and South Africa. This team met once and the result was to plan this International Meeting which will take place in Martillac from 2 – 5 April.


What is the aim?


“To have a time of reflection together in order to arrive at a common vision for the Pastoral Care of Vocations and to see its implications in our contexts.”


For whom is it intended?


Our first thought was a meeting of the sisters of the Institute, but this subsequently extended to participation by members Family of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles. The experience of the Congress that we are now living stimulates us and invites us to take concrete steps to advance AS FAMILY.


The response was very positive as the number of participants from all the Units of Europe plus the sister from Canada, as well as the members of the other Holy Family vocations, testifies:


22  Apostolic Sisters

  3  Contemplative Sisters

  2  Consecrated Seculars

  5  Lay Associates

  1  Priest Associate