International Congress

We commit ourselves to deepen our understanding of our Charism in the light of this new consciousness, in order to express our specific Holy Family gift in the world.

Family of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles

International Congress


September 2011 - September 2013 


The meeting of the Council of the Family, held in January this year, outlined the commitment taken on behalf of all the members.  It was as follows: 

As a Family on mission,

v    We recognise the urgent need for a change of mindset in line with the new understanding of the world, which demands a new way of relating to God and to the whole of creation.

v    We commit ourselves to deepen our understanding of our Charism in the light of this new consciousness, in order to express our specific Holy Family gift in the world.

v     Aware of our responsibility for this gift and in complementarity of vocations, we wish to give visible witness as Family so that we can make an impact on the different realities of the world, by being attentive to its needs, by encouraging dialogue, and by promoting justice, peace and integrity of creation.


The theme for the Congress is: Family on Mission, Gift in a Changing World

The overall purposes for the Congress are as follows:

·       To encourage full participation of all five vocations

·       To explore the changing world within the context of God’s dream for the world

·       To allow God’s dream for the world to affect  all we are and do

·       To appreciate and activate our Holy Family gift within and among us, as gift in the world


With the awareness that this is a unique opportunity for us to live our experience of being Family, let us journey forward together, trusting the Spirit of God working in us and among us.


Four questions to the first phase –


Reflection 1

What are your feelings or thoughts regarding the theme of the Congress?


Reflection 2

What images of God are becoming more meaningful for you now?


Reflection 3

What is our Founder saying to us as Family on mission today?


Reflection 4

From all your reflection what would you like heard from your group at the 2nd Phase of the Congress?

Congrss Prayers :

God of Love,

in every moment we live in your tender embrace. 

All around us we behold your presence. 

All around us and within us

life emerges, fresh and new. 

May we continue to expand our lives and our living,  

accepting the challenge and responsibility to  be

co-creators with you. 

May we embrace all your gifts

and use them with gratitude, wisdom and courage,

Open to the connectedness of all,

may we see the expressions of your love


May our actions and attitudes generate unity

and our love bring us to communion. 

May we, as one small Family within your big universe family,

live our Congress journey,

Family on mission, as gift in the world.  Amen