A friend has gone

Monsignor Marius Maziers, archbishop of Bordeaux from 1968 to 1989 died on the 14th August at the age of 93. He was soon to celebrate 70 years as an ordained priest.
For the Holy Family, he was not only a pastor but also a friend.

Monsignor Marius Maziers, archbishop of
Bordeaux from 1968 to 1989 died on the 14th August at the age of 93.  He was soon to celebrate 70 years as an ordained priest.

For the Holy Family, he was not only a pastor but also a friend.  He was always a guide for us, a support to the very end and he held our Family in deep affection.  When Joy died, he wrote to us from his place of retirement: ‘The close bonds with your religious family, which have always been the mark of my Episcopal ministry at Bordeaux, mean that I experience the death of Joy as a family grief and with all my heart, I assure you of my deep communion with your pain, prayer and hope…’

Monsignor Maziers had a deep awareness of the spirituality of Father Noailles and sisters remember, even after 30 years, the retreats that he preached on the mystery of
Nazareth.  It was he who erected the Secular Institute of the Holy Family on 1st May 1988.

His many letters accompanied by beautiful texts enabled us to keep in touch with him and appreciate the depth of his spiritual life.  Although he was slowing down, and he commented on this with some humour, nevertheless, his heart remained awake and alive.  This timid, humble, self-effacing man had strong convictions and a great love of the Church.   At times there were difficulties – according to some, he was not ‘made’ Cardinal because of an excess of social sensitivity.  He had participated in the Council and this had deeply marked his life.

We quote here from some of his reflections, which are an aid to meditation and in the Prayer section, you will find one of the prayers he wrote and which was read in the Cathedral of St. Andre on the eve of his funeral.


‘Jesus is Emmanuel, the God who shares our human condition so as to divinise it.  To love means to live in a simple fraternal way with others each day.  I stress the importance of a look, a simple gesture to show what is in one’s heart and to keep the door of hope open’.


‘The face of the Risen Lord always enlightens my path.  It is in Him and with the Church that I believe in the coming of a new humanity - a humanity that is reconciled and united by love. We have to long for and work to prepare for the coming of this Kingdom inaugurated by Jesus Christ’.


‘Let us continue to walk in the light of the One who brings the victory of life by the way of death’.