Feminine Religious Life

During this stage, two days were spent reflecting more deeply on the theme: “Feminine Religious Life” from the perspective of the new world vision. Emphasis was placed on the feminine dimension and we were helped in this reflection by Giselle Gomez.




As the session continued the group moved forward to look at the challenges which our living of the vows in today’s society present.


During this stage, two days were spent reflecting more deeply on the theme: “Feminine Religious Life” from the perspective of the new world vision.  Emphasis was placed on the feminine dimension and we were helped in this reflection by Giselle Gomez.


Her methodology was very interactive, using slides, songs, texts for reflection, moments of silence to listen to God, oneself and others.  There were times of dialogue and sharing.


A new integrated vision of the vows and feminine religious life as prophecy and mysticism was presented.  Some of Giselle’s insights helped us to look at these realities with new eyes.

  • The vows understood from a relational perspective and lived for the mission can become a dynamic energy that leads to change.
  • When we interpret the vows and when we place the emphasis on values rather than on laws, we are giving back to the vows the sense of a covenantal relationship with God and with the people and we give to humanity the possibility of living these desires that lie deepest in the hearts of human beings – desires that are not just proper to religious life.
  • The vows help us to be prophets and mystics in our consecrated life for mission.  Mysticism and prophecy are two dimensions that we need to safeguard if we are to be faithful to God and to people.
  • The vows are a means of following Jesus.  The essence of the vows is the desire that all humans have for love, freedom, taking initiatives and responsibility in the creation of a new world.  The vows do not make us superior.  Like Jesus we are called to be one with all humanity
  • When we make vows we accept to work with our brothers and sisters to defend the rights, the dignity of all who long for life
  • Religious Life is dynamic; we are called to live in an attitude of seeking so as to discern where and how we must commit ourselves today

May we always live in an attitude of alertness and never tire of seeking God’s will!