Enlarged General Council

The doors of the assembly hall were opened wide to welcome 26 participants who have come from 25 different countries in four continents. They all have come from very different situations and have experienced very different realities in their respective countries.

16 February

The doors of the assembly hall were opened wide to welcome 26 participants who have come from 25 different countries in four continents.  They all have come from very different situations and have experienced very different realities in their respective countries.  




Margaret MULDOON                   Superior General

Bernadette TAURINYA                 Vicar for the Contemplatives

Ana Maria ALCALDE                    Councillor

Kumudine DASSANAYAKE            Councillor

Colleen MOORE                          Councillor

Micheline KENDA ESUNEWELE   Councillor

Marian MURCIA                           Councillor – Bursar

Maria Carmen VILARDELL           Councillor



Françoise Daigneault                  Councillor

Lorenza Ponnanwila                    Councillor

Maria  Dolores Sanzberro            Councillor – Bursar




Kinga BARTOS                         Poland

Tere BECK-                              Network – Latin America

Mª Angeles BERÁSTEGUI       Spain

Violette BOUFFARD                Canada

Aquinas CYRIL                        Philippines

Jacquie DORMHEL                  South Africa

Andrée GASPARD                   Network – Belgium / France / Italy

Áine HAYDE -                          Britain / Ireland

Latha LAWRENCE                   India

Yolande MATHIAS                  Sri LankaJaffna

Augustina MPURU                 Lesotho

Yvette MUNDELE                    Congo

Agnès ONGWISA                    CameroonChad

Maria Theresa PERERA          Pakistan

Francisca PERERA                   Sri LankaColombo 

A very creative ice-breaker helped them to connect with one another and share their hopes and desires for this Council meeting.  The hopes expressed were very similar.  They were:

·    To contemplate and enter more deeply into the “new vision” in order to discover the meaning of our charism today and how to live it and promote it in the respective units. 

·    Enter more deeply into the meaning of co-responsibility; look at the reality of their respective contexts and seek lights on how to live as a united Family. 

·    To choose life by allowing ourselves to be surprised by the spirit; re-read our charism at greater depth so as to discover new forms and new ways, open ourselves up to new mentalities and live our charism with courage and commitment. 

·    Share life experiences; be renewed together, encourage sisterly and life-giving relationships so as to kindle the fire that already is lighted. 


Indeed Margaret’s opening address alludes to these same desires expressed by the assembly. Document


In outlining the programme, Michelin, using the diagram below, situates the group in the space between one General Chapter and the next. 



After a brief pause, the group united in prayer to mark the opening of the Council meeting.  The prayer was carefully prepared and was based on Hindu spirituality.  In an atmosphere of silence, the group became aware of the positive energies within each one, of the wonderful harmony of the human person and our connection with God.  




In the afternoon, the participants came together in assembly to receive guidelines for the reflection which was to follow.  They were asked to:


1.     Pinpoint the events that have marked their lives and to which they have given most attention.

2.     Look at what needs greater attention in the future.


First there was a time for personal reflection and then they met in continental groups.  

The day ended with a review of what they had experienced during this first day of the Council meeting.