Christmas Message - Ana Maria Alcalde, Superior General

"Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace...

I bring good news of great joy to you and to all the people:

today a Saviour has been born to us" (Lk 2).

A light in the night...
Good news at the crossroads of our history...
A hope offered...
to all Humanity!


Let us be among those who joyfully welcome this Promise and

by welcoming it, let us be builders of peace, justice and love.

Happiness will be ours in 2024 if we gift each other with peace, hope, care and solidarity,

human gestures that reveal the face of God-with-us, tenderly embracing all his creatures.

I wish each of you and your loved ones a Happy Christmas.

In 2024, may the common commitment to life, peace and reconciliation

renew the reasons for our hope and bear fruit on every continent.