“They went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.” (Mark 16:8)


When I forget my identity as a beloved child of God, I lose my way in life. I become scared frightened and start acting un-freely because of fear. I find myself pre-occupied with trying to please others and lose sense of who I am. I work hard to avoid rejection, abandonment and loneliness. I find myself clinging to what gives me security; people, my work or even my own interests. Making compromises may help me please people but I also lose touch with my original blessing, namely, the deep and everlasting love of God. Jesus came to announce to me: “Do not be afraid. I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.” The moment Jesus called her name as she sat nervously at the empty tomb – Mary recognised His voice, she was bonded in love once again.


On this Easter day, allow Jesus to call your name… and receive His message of Peace. May the people of our countries – South Africa, Uganda and Rwanda – hear Jesus call their names through the Easter message of peace and love which you, so powerfully, proclaim. I pray, that you may have the courage to ”exodus” out of this Season of Lent and move towards the joy of New Life which opens you to trust the resurrection of your own spirit. Roll away the stones of insecurity, un-freedoms and anxiety, let go of the fears, listen to the message of the angel, allow Jesus to call your name and experience the glory of New Life. May your heart burn within you as He accompanies you on your journey of life; listen to His words as He breaks open the Scriptures for you; and may you always recognise Him as He breaks the bread of daily life with you.

Easter Blessing, from Kathleen

*(Source: Weavings – Holy Family in South Africa)