The purpose of our being on this earth - EGC 2019

The EGC participants in Rome were very happy to give a warm welcome to Densilla James the Unit Leader of Pakistan, who joined them 3 days into the journey due to her delayed visa.

After sharing their thoughts of the previous day Matthieu began the day by explaining to the participants – ‘what it means to be a member of this EGC’.  This was done through a reflective exercise, designed to help each one to grow in the consciousness of the whole ‘Body’, being aware of the role of an EGC member and taking to oneself the responsibility for the whole

The morning continued with personal reflection and sharing in their small groups on “The purpose of our being on this earth – the special thing we as Holy Family bring to this world, what the world will miss if we did not exist. 

During the sharing at the Plenary, the groups expressed the spirit of who we are – each point written on a small piece of paper.  And these were gathered into a basket kept at the Centre of the hall. 

Around it were the main headings of the commitments made at EGC 2018, regarding ‘what can no longer continue’:

  • Leadership       
  • Structures           
  • Apostolic Responses
  • Financial model
  • Community life
  • Dynamics of compensation
  • Calling sisters who are not trained

The participants were invited to place under the relevant headings the specific commitments made in their own Units.  This enabled them to become more aware of where the ‘Institute Body’ is at present.