‘The Word became flesh and dwelt among us’ (Jn. 1, 14)
Christmas: ‘It is the day on which Jesus, Mary and Joseph meet on earth’ PBN
Christmas – in Spanish, “Navidad” comes from the Latin Nativitas meaning birth. What does a birth imply? Many external and internal movements, before and after this great life event. As Christians we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ every year on this day. We all get excited and prepare ourselves to celebrate this beautiful event. Overcoming our difficulties such as the consequences of wars; also, ‘Mother Earth seems to demand that we take more care with her: lately we see rains and devastating floods in different parts of the world, elsewhere there are extreme droughts, and wildfires destroying life. As far as possible, may we be in solidarity with the victims of these situations, reaching out to help them, bearing witness to the fact that the Saviour has come.
God the Son came into the world in the family of Mary and Joseph of Nazareth, as the prophets had foretold. God the child comes against all human logic: He chooses to be born in an inadequate place, he became poor... Mary and Joseph welcome him with immense love and enthusiasm, thus emphasising the importance of the unity and the role of the family at the beginning of every person’s life. The majority of humanity did not await his coming, distracted as they were by their own interests... Has the context when Jesus Christ was born changed today? I would say no, people are still distracted, individualistic, excluding, discriminating... looking more for riches, power and earthly pleasures, indifferent to the needs of others. And yet a birth implies a responsible commitment to care for life itself.
‘The Son of God came on earth to found a holy family and wanted the first three persons in this family to serve as models for those who would become part of it. He proposed Himself as a model for all Christians, whatever their condition.’ SG # 38
The Good Father makes us a great invitation: ‘Come, brothers and sisters, to the Child in the manger, there we find our model. Come, you who seek happiness in the world... Come to the crib, what do you see there? Jesus Christ, happiness itself, embracing the sufferings of the world; Jesus Christ, greatness itself – a child; Jesus Christ who possesses everything – poor... here is the way to salvation. G. E. # 86
Let us go forward with joy, commitment and gratitude to contemplate the Word of God made Man, life itself, a fragile, vulnerable child, full of peace, hope, tenderness, light that illuminates our life…together, united as one big Family, we can proclaim with renewed energy: Glory be to God Alone, and we can wish with all our hearts that God the Child continues to be born every day. MERRY CHRISTMAS FAMILY!
Sister Rubeni Pejerrey Campodónico