104 years birthday

There are times in the life of a community when life seems to have a deeper, more intense quality. Such was the case on Saturday 18th October...

104 years...





There are times in the life of a community when life seems to have a deeper, more intense quality.  Such was the case on Saturday 18th October...

This was truly a deep sharing of memories.  Old age does not necessarily mean loss of memory but rather it can be a ceaseless spring up of life within us.

A joyful event took place in the community of the Sablonnat     

on Saturday the 18th of October 2008. 

Sister Marie Hélène Meridier celebrated 104 years of age!!


She sat, happy and smiling in her wheel chair.  Sisters Marie Dominique, Mickael, Marie Laurent, Marguerite were also there in spite of deafness and blindness in the case of some.  The community room was beautifully decorated with bouquets of flowers.

Marie Jose wished Sr. Marie Hélène a very happy birthday as we all sang in unison:  “Happy Birthday Marie Hélène”.  She smiled and said thank you and suddenly the telephone rang!  It was a former pupil, Corine, who now lives in
America.  They had a short conversation and we were all very moved at this affectionate gesture on the part of her former pupil whom she knew from the age of 12 years.

We continued our sisterly meeting with a much appreciated meal and we were united in celebrating with great joy such a momentous occasion.

At the end, together with Marie Hélène, we prayed together and sang the Ave Maria.

Sablonat Community (

Marie Helene, we know that up until recently, you loved to listen to extracts from Maurice Zundel’s book.

As a gift for your 104th birthday, we wish to re-read with you some texts that express your deepest convictions.

‘The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Gospel of that complete liberty which can only be realised in total liberation.

To be free means that I will be free from myself; I will no longer be turned in on myself; I will no longer be a slave of my possessions; rather I can create a limitless space where the entire universe can be welcomed.

We are on really solid ground when we affirm that freedom makes no sense unless it includes liberation – an infinite, creative requirement.

This creative requirement is within us when we come face to face with the presence of ‘that beauty ever ancient, ever new’, which so delighted the heart of
St. Augustine.’

Maurice Zundel Un autre regard sur l'homme (Fayard)

To Know Marie-Hélène, read her testimony in Agape N°34