We commit ourselves...

“The beginning of a new era in the life of the planet calls for a revised way of expressing our vowed life for mission.


 “Loving, seeking and desiring only God alone in all things”

“The beginning of a new era in the life of the planet calls for a revised way of expressing our vowed life for mission.  

Responding freely in faith and love to God’s call to us to follow Jesus, we commit ourselves to a particular way of loving, living freedom and justice, in and through community. The perspective of a universe where everything is interconnected and in relationship shows that each of the vows incorporates the other two.  “Loving, seeking and desiring only God alone in all things” like Jesus, Mary and Joseph captures well this integrated approach. Seeing our vows thus integrated can foster a new way of living relationship that is in harmony with the whole of creation.” 

(Vowed for Mission Choosing Life. No: 4.1 & 4.5)

On this special day, we are united with all the Sisters of the Institute, as we renew our commitment to a radical following of Jesus, offering Him our desire to live love, freedom and justice through our life together in community.


We are with you dear Sisters…

Our prayers are for Srs.  Thushyanthy Selvanayagam, Shiamini Sebastiampillai, Mary Judit Arulappu, Rose Mary Mudiappan and Jessica Albert Patrick who are making their final commitment on the 18th December. Sisters, God has given you these grace-filled days to walk more closely with Him. “Go forward” with courage and strength.
