Trinity Sunday

Today, we live in a world of chaos. Whatever we listen to or read through the media, is by and large about violence, killings and all types of atrocities caused to humanity and nature. Greed, power-over, control, suppression and oppression seem to be the rule of the day! Hope seems a far dream.

Trinity Sunday

Today, we live in a world of chaos. Whatever we listen to or read through the media, is by and large about violence, killings and all types of atrocities caused to humanity and nature. Greed, power-over, control, suppression and oppression seem to be the rule of the day! Hope seems a far dream.

In the midst of all this reality, we celebrate the feast of the Trinity – of a Trio, a group, a ‘community’ who is LOVE-COMMUNION.

Jesus, when we encounter him in the gospels, opens us to a whole new dimension of who his God is.

"The Spirit of God is upon me and has anointed me to bring the good news to the poor…." (Lk.4,18). "I speak of what I have seen with my Father…….. for I proceeded and came forth from God" (Jn.8,38 and 42). "All things have been delivered to me by my Father and no one knows the Son except the Father……" (Mt. 11,27). "Look at the lilies of the field and the birds of the air…….. but my Father feeds them all" (Mt.6, 26.28) "May they be one even as we are one" (Jn. 17,11).

Jesus always speaks of God in terms of a profound, intimate relationship. God is relational!

If God, as we believe and experience is the source of all life, then the earth, the whole universe which is a place of abundance of life in its immense and varied forms, is the self-expression of God in LOVE. Isn’t this what the new sciences disclose as the new universe story - a 13.75 billion year history, with its millions of different species? Isn’t this the God who delights in creatures in all their diversity and specificity – the God in all and all in God? Isn’t this new universe story - which sees the universe as ever expanding; where every creature receives its existence from the other in a process of being self-gift; where inter-relatedness, inter-dependence is the very essence of all life – the ongoing STORY of the ever Unfolding, all Inclusive Love of God/Energy? Then, could it not be said that the nature of the universe and how it functions in terms of its three basic principals – subjectivity, diversity and communion – are an embodiment of the Trinitarian life?

To quote from our document on Vowed Life for mission: "we believe in a God who is beyond our grasp yet mysteriously present; a God who is COMMUNION, Trinity, Family. We believe in a God who is LOVE: affirming, expressing and incarnating that love fully in Jesus and ongoing in all of creation" ( Doc. 2.6). "Our Holy Family Charisma that welcomes the entire universe with its multiplicity of relationships constantly generating life; calls us into a dynamism of relating that helps us towards a new understanding of ‘being Family’ (Doc. 3.2) – the big family of the "sacred community of earth whose source is our Trinitarian God who is LOVE-COMMUNION" (Corporate Commitment 2008, pg 4).

This indeed was the dream of our Founder – a great tree with flowers and fruits of all seasons; birds of every color and country; each species having its own specific song yet in profound harmony – specificity, diversity, leading to communion. This indeed is God’s own dream!

A sure call of this feast then is, to recognize our roots, almost a returning to the ‘womb’ where we received life and continue to receive its nurturance. How do I relate to trees, flowers, birds, animals, rivers, mountains, sun and stars? Do I see the face of God; hear God’s song of love in them all? Do I feel part of, one with all that exists and so responsible for every choice I make in relations to them?

It is also a call to recognize that which blocks and separates us from one another; coming to consciousness of who we truly are as inter-related, inter-dependent beings, embracing the process of dying for new birthing, self-giving for abundance of life for all!