Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, the saving work of God extends to all creation. Human beings and creation are interdependent (Col 1, 18-20)



Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, the saving work of God extends to all creation.  Human beings and creation are interdependent (Col 1, 18-20)

In the person of Jesus the whole of humanity and all creation have been taken up.  So in Him, humanity and creation have achieved their objective, their end and meaning and have responded to the free, unconditional love of God. 


Each Easter is a celebration of the whole of creation that is transformed in the light of the Risen One. (Denis Edwards)




Paschal joy permeates the whole Church and the whole of humanity since in the risen Christ the universe has been renewed.


How can we speak of Resurrection in the lives of each one of us and in the human structures and realities that surround us today? 


Even though words like « death », « catastrophe », « war » and « conflict » appear continually in our daily lives, nevertheless, we intuit with the witnesses of the resurrection and the first Christian communities that JESUS ROSE AND STILL LIVES.   



He appears very much alive in the efforts of so many people who seek food, work, shelter, dignity...and in the solidarity of those who support them. 


He is ALIVE in those groups who live in love and hope and who work to build a better world for all.  


He is ALIVE in the joy of so many committed people who work so that all may have life.


He is ALIVE when we are able to look at our world, not with discouragement but with eyes of hope as we involve ourselves in the struggle for human rights and dignity for all. 


He is ALIVE when we relate in new ways to the whole of creation, living in interdependence with all created beings. 


He is ALIVE when in the face of the physical death of so many people and the extinction of so many species, we continue to proclaim:  TODAY HE IS RISEN!