Our journey towards being a transformative community

On the afternoon of Tuesday 21st September 2021 the community of Pietermartzburg had a Rosebush planting celebration as part of our journey towards being a transformative community and also to respond to the invitation to celebrate 1st September to 4th October  - The Season of Creation. It was a very chilly afternoon, which is not supposed to be the normal as it is springtime down south.

We all gathered in the garden, sang the hymn, All Creatures of our God and King followed by praying Psalm 104. When this was over, Theresa and Violet who were assigned to do the planting proceeded to put the rosebush in a well-prepared hole done by Violet. While they were planting we sang the hymn again, said the blessing of the Soil Prayer and processed back into the house singing Lead us on O Lord.

This was a beautiful experience for us all to be and pray together in our garden. Due to the corona virus lockdown, we had not been able to spend time together outside as the whole community. We thank and praise God for this beautiful experience as community.


Pietermartzburg Community

South Africa