More News from Pakistan

From a letter sent to Margaret from Theresa, the Delegate from Pakistan.


From a letter sent to Margaret from Theresa, the Delegate from

Dear Sister,

Greetings and blessings to you and happy feast of Our Lady.  I am sure that you are happy to receive news from us.  Thank God we are all well but each day we are faced with new and different challenges.  There is a lot of coming and going in our area- people who come to do voluntary work.  They distribute aid to the people.  However there is still a lot to do especially work to ensure the safety of the people.

The feast will be celebrated after Ramadan.  Already tension is mounting especially when Christians are attacked.  People have fled from their homes and villages.  Children are no longer attending school, mainly because of rumours that are inspiring fear in the people.  In fact this evening we have had to send Sheila and the aspirants to Chack 6.  At least there, they will be able to continue their studies in peace.  We do not know what awaits us.  We ask God to give us the strength to face the challenges that are before us and to send us peace.  The future is very uncertain.  We will gather together in
Lahore from the 17th to the 22nd of this month and that will be a consolation for us.  Together we will pray and ask God to bring peace so that we can all live in freedom.  May our Mother Mary intercede for us and protect us.

Thank you for your interest and your affection.

United in prayer



Nelly Vasquez, Holy Family Sister in Peru sent us this news that she received from a missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate, who is working in
Pakistan.  In sharing his experience he mentions our sisters and asks for prayers that the violence will end.  

“After a week and feeling a bit better physically, I travelled to Kasur, Korian and Gojira, places where Christians have been savagely attacked – raped, robbed and burned by Muslims during the months of June and August

1. Kasur

Kasur is situated about two hours from
Lahore.  Geographically it is quite rich; the earth produces abundant harvests of rice, aubergine.  There is also maize and alfalfa.  The Oblates and the sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary work in this area

The situation regarding the Christians appears to have returned to normal.  There was a lot of destruction of farm implements, clothing, cooking utensils, and tractors.  Although there was a good deal of material damage, fortunately there was not so much loss of human life. 

2. Korian and Gojra

Last week, I visited these two places accompanied by three young people from the parish of St. Columbano.  These places are situated about 5 hours drive from
Lahore.  In Gojira there is a team of priests and a community of three Sisters of the Holy Family of
Bordeaux.  Sumbal, a young sister from the community acted as our guide in our visit to these two places.   We travelled by truck to Korian which is about 15 minutes drive from the Sisters’ house.  . We then returned to Korian.  I was travelling in the front beside the driver.  I tried to be strong and to control my feelings but I could not hold back my tears, which flowed freely.  How can I, who am a foreigner to this country, give hope to others?  I cannot understand how human beings can act in such inhuman ways; in ways that are so destructive and lacking in respect for others.  All around me I saw destruction and ruins…

 Houses burned down and destroyed like this ….

An entire family was burned alive

Present situation in Gojra and Korian

But the people’s joy is not extinguished

The Government has built three small houses and is to build more…80 families have been affected….