Joint formation in Sri Lanka

God’s dream and the dream of Family of Father Noailles was fulfilled. We had to break through differences that divided us; violent division in the country, ethnicity, languages, cultures, customs and attitudes.

Holy Family Novices in joint formation in
Sri Lanka share their difficult and challenging experience

We came together as Novices from the North and
Provinces of
Sri Lanka, and began our formation as a joint group. God’s dream and the dream of Family of Father Noailles was fulfilled. We had to break through differences that divided us;  violent division in the country, ethnicity, languages, cultures, customs and attitudes. Our goal was clear but the journey was difficult and challenging. It is the Spirit of faith and the Charism of our Founder that is leading us beyond our boundaries. We witness that Communion is Possible.

It is not easy to break down what is so deeply seated in our being. It was a risk and a breakthrough to give up our own ideas, our mindset, bitter experiences, facing the reality of war, displacement, hatred, revenge, prejudice. Still struggling!!! We realize that only  conversion and reconciliation can transform and liberate us.

We try to pool together all that we are and have. We realize that differences make us rich. What beauty in sharing all our resources, strengths and limitations! It is the first step of a long journey. We are moving slowly and steadily, with conviction. We are clear about our goal, vision and mission – To be and to create Family – “Building Communion” is kept before our eyes always. We are helped by various elements of our formation programme, such as continual evaluation, reviews and integration to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and his Mission – we are inspired by the models placed before us – the lives of Jesus, Mary and Joseph who loved, sought and desired nothing but God Alone in their lives. We are constantly reminded of our Good Father’s invitation – “Go forward, increase in numbers and virtues!”

We are convinced that we are called to be prophets and bridge-builders; to create new communities which are Kingdom-centred, with a global outlook, and the capacity to give and receive.

“Choose Life” the theme of 2008 General Chapter is holds great meaning for us, and challenges us to look forward in HOPE,  to embrace the international and multicultural dimension in order to live for God Alone, always available for his mission: to spread God’s Kingdom with missionary zeal.

Novices – Diyatalawa.