Holy Family Youth in Paraguay

Experiences of Holy Family youth

The Holy Family Youth Group has been meeting for quite a while.  The experiences that we have had together have changed us and the values that we have explored together have enabled us to face up to reality with a different vision and different attitudes.   We can sum up our experience with simple words such as: humility, equality and communion with all the members of the Association.  We have experienced this quite powerfully from the very beginning as each day we tried to live our charism of being and creating family in all milieus and with all those with whom we came into contact.       

The diversity existing in the Association allows us to share in the experiences of other members of the group, helps us to grow as Christians, enables us to grow strong in our faith and to value family life by taking as our models, Jesus, Mary and Joseph who loved, sought and desired God Alone in all things.           

It is not an easy task to be a committed member of the Holy Family.  We are aware that it demands responsibility, conviction and renunciation of certain things.  We are human and obviously we have our strengths, weaknesses and limitations.

It is a great source of joy for us to belong to the Holy Family.  As such we are messengers of communion, love, equality – essential elements in the development of any human group.  

In the Association, we have times for spiritual retreats and formation days.  These strengthen us and develop us as Christians, helping us to be more aware of the social reality to which we belong and to which we bring Holy Family values.  

We hope that our experiences as Holy Family Youth contribute to the building up of the whole group and to the renewal of our vocation as Lay Associates as we commit ourselves to the task of being and creating Family in all the milieus where we find ourselves. 

            May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be always with us to guide and protect us.

Carmen Alburquerquer and Mariana Duré (Holy Family Youth - Paraguay)