Congo celebrates the 190th anniversary of our Foundation

On this occasion when we celebrate the 190th anniversary of our Foundation, we come together to give thanks to God for the prophetic power of our charism for our world today ;

Congo celebrates 190th anniversary of our Foundation 


Dear Sisters, 

On this occasion when we celebrate the 190th anniversary of our Foundation, we come together to give thanks to God for the prophetic power of our charism for our world today ;  for our communion with and proximity to the poor and for working to make our communities places where all people can feel welcomed.  We also thank Our Lady of All Graces who has guided our Founder in the accomplishment of his work for the glory of God Alone.   

Yes !  It is a great day for us here in the Congo – a day which we will spend in reflection and thanksgiving .  Reflection in order to look back and interiorise our story as Holy Family in general and as Holy Family here in the Congo.  The work of the Holy Family is one of charity and love.  We thank God for the person of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles, and for the graces that he received.  Through his charism we are on a path of sanctification for ourselves and for our brothers and sisters.  It is through prayer and reflection that we feel the action of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles in our Delegation.  

May Our Lady of All Graces continue to inspire us and show us the path to follow in fidelity to our Charism.  And we pray for the furtherance of the process of beatification of our Founder.   


Sisters of the Delegation of the Congo.