29 June …a dream realised

On the 29 June, we celebrate with the Church the feast of St Peter and as a Family, we remember is a special way, Pierre Bienvenu Noailles.

29 June …a dream realised


On the 29 June, we celebrate with the Church the feast of St Peter and as a Family, we remember is a special way, Pierre Bienvenu Noailles.

Our Family has always celebrated this day as a time to meet, reflect and rejoice together: St Peter reminds us of our Founder. Throughout history this date has been an opportunity for us to strengthen what unites us: our charism, the gift of communion, a treasure that is so relevant for our times

This year we are celebrating the 150 anniversary of the death of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles. We see this year as an opportunity to come together, to remember, to "choose life" and offer to today’s world this great gift that has been gifted to us.

By means of this web page, we communicate once more our joy of being a Family: a family that includes the whole cosmos and the whole of humanity and a family whose members journey through this life "without separating ourselves from those who live under the common law…as we accompany others and share with them all the trials and difficulties of the journey".

We note with great joy how the news of our Founder’s holiness is spreading. He was a man who was open to all the vocations within the Church and he was ready to respond to all needs.

Today 29 June, we celebrate, we welcome once again the gift received for the good of humanity and we hope that the day will soon come when the Church will present to the world this charism for the good of all by proclaiming blessed our Founder, Pierre Bienvenu Noailles, whose heroic virtues have already been confirmed.