Once again we can celebrate the New Year. This is a good time to look back, to discover what our journey with God and our brothers and sisters has been like. Surely we will still have unfinished business, actions planned but not carried out, healthy resolutions that we have not fulfilled,... Read more
This Christmas season is particularly precious for our Family; we rejoice in celebrating our Source of inspiration and guidance. In one of his Christmas sermons, the Founder tells us: ‘Come close to the Child in the Crib, there you will find your model’ . We know that the way of contemplating the... Read more
‘The Word became flesh and dwelt among us’ (Jn. 1, 14) Christmas: ‘It is the day on which Jesus, Mary and Joseph meet on earth’ PBN Christmas – in Spanish, “Navidad” comes from the Latin Nativitas meaning birth. What does a birth imply? Many external and internal movements, before and after this... Read more
The contemplation of the MYSTERY OF THE INCARNATION reveals God's dream of meeting all his creatures. In Jesus, he made his dwelling among us and assumed our human condition as “one of many”. In the eyes of faith, all the signs are eloquent: the manger, the swaddling clothes, the star, the simple... Read more
The Constitution as a way forward: The path is not there, it is to be made by walking’ The 18 th of December is an extraordinary day for the Apostolic and Contemplative sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux. On this day, we commemorate the Holy See's approbation of our Constitutions. It was in... Read more
"Coffee in one hand, confidence in the other." This phrase perfectly captures the allure of coffee. It's a beverage that inspires, energizes, and connects people. I decided to explore the reasons why people love coffee by asking a few friends. Their responses were varied but all centred around the... Read more
Who is Our Lady of Loreto? Is it just one of the many names given to Mary and what is the significance of this name? I must confess that all I knew about this title given to Mary was about the house that was transported in its entirety by angels, from Nazareth to the town of Loreto. Whether this is... Read more
As we enter the season of Advent, our hearts are troubled by the calamities of our times. Indeed, the tragedies of migrants perishing at sea, the rise of the Extreme Right in our democracies, characterised by a rejection of diversity and universalism, as well as conflicts, natural disasters and... Read more
We celebrate with joy and gratitude the birthday of our Founder (1793 - 1861) October is a month of great joy because we celebrate the birth day of our dear Founder, Pierre Bienvenu Noailles, and it is an appropriate time to recall with gratitude the important events of his life: He was born in... Read more
MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE 110th WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES 2024 (Sunday, 29 September 2024) "God walks with his people" Dear brothers and sisters! Last 29 October 2023 marked the conclusion of the First Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops... Read more
From his seminary days Fr.Noailles had conceived the idea of founding an association open to all vocations. He started realizing this desire in his first parish of St.Eulalie by starting the Catechism of Perseverance with lay people. In this rich soil of lay commitment, was planted the first... Read more
"Called to sow seeds of hope and to build peace" Dear brothers and sisters! Each year, the World Day of Prayer for Vocations invites us to reflect on the precious gift of the Lord’s call to each of us, as members of his faithful pilgrim people, to participate in his loving plan and to embody the... Read more
Pascal DJEUMEGUED - Priest Associate from Cameroon, currently studying in Canada. Over the last few days, I have received many images and a video from the people of Mora, Kourgui and Amchidé, where I worked as a priest. I have kept in touch with those who have access to an Android phone to exchange... Read more
Dear all, It is Easter! The Risen Jesus is in our midst and says to us: "Peace be with you... do not be afraid". Beyond, or rather, through everything that we, and all humanity is currently experiencing, the Risen One is our assurance that life is always reborn from self-giving love and that it... Read more
The Passage between death and new life or resurrection needs very little space. From seed to plant… from caterpillar to butterfly … From foetus to human being … From human-centredness to ecocentrism … from being selfish to planetary awareness and from being Jesus of Nazareth to the Universal Christ... Read more
This year, 2024, has been declared by Pope Francis a year of prayer. Prayer is the centre of our Christian life. Prayer also helps to connect us with the whole world, which is going through tremendous hardships due to war, poverty, and misery. Our Founder, too, wanted prayer to be the cornerstone... Read more
Everyone has something special in their personal life or family that they cherish and share with others. As the Big Family of PBN, we have something unique and special to cherish and treasure from generation to generation, and Jesus blessed us with the Miraculous Benediction. What a privilege! What... Read more
The word Epiphany means "manifestation." Jesus, who was born in the manger at Bethlehem, revealed himself first to the shepherds through the angels, and secondly, he revealed himself to the Magi who came from the east to adore him and offer him their gifts. The feast of the Epiphany indicates God’s... Read more
On January 1st the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God. Mary embraces God's will and freely accepts God's grace, thus fulfilling an important role in God's plan of salvation. Down through the centuries, the Blessed Virgin has helped many in the Church to come closer to Christ... Read more
In this joyful Christmas atmosphere the Universal Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth, in a social context where our families have been weakened by various circumstances, longing for credible paradigms to follow. In this Sunday’s Gospel from Luke 2, we are presented with an... Read more