We the Sisters in Bulan and the Lay Associates and with some volunteer leaders have been working with the ‘Pastoral Care for Children’s Program since 2017 June.
We are taking care of 70 selected families in Obrero among the underprivileged, and those who live in the peripheries. We are glad that we are called to be God’s instruments of Good News to these unvisited families. Yes, we are the hands and the feet of God to reach out to these families. We are glad to see the improvement of these families taking more responsibility for their children; their health, spiritual and social welfare.
With these 70 families we feel that we have built the bigger family of God where God is really visible in their simple, fragile and vulnerable situations.
During our regular leader’s meetings we take time to read, reflect, and share the Word of God. During one of our meetings we were inspired to reach out to another area. We prayed about it and discerned with the guidance of the Parish Priest. So, our priority was to choose Zone 2 the poorest and the biggest Barangay in Bulan. it has a population of 6,260 which consists of 1,500 families and 1,003 household and a high percentage of undernourished children and indigent families. This area is always prone to typhoons and floods since it is near the sea. Most of them are fisher folk. We are glad that we have chosen this area to expand our service.
Sr. Bernie and a few Pastoral Care of Children volunteer leaders first met the Baragay Officials and introduced the Program. They were willing to accommodate the PCC program and to give their full support. Their initial interest to support the program was very encouraging.
So, we made arrangements to meet the volunteer leaders and in preparation we had several meetings. So, the Leaders Training Seminar took place from July 21-23, 2018. The blessing is most of the volunteer leaders are working in the Barangay clinic as health workers and midwives.
The three days intensive Training Seminar for the Leaders was conducted by Mrs. Erlinda Querimit one of the National PCC Formators from Manila. The 15 Volunteer Leaders received their accomplishment certificate on July 23, 2018.
Monthly the Leaders have 3 main activities to accomplish. First is home visitation by the first week of the month. The second activity is the Leaders meeting where they share their experiences on the home visitation in the light of the Gospel of the day. The third activity is the Celebration of Life; where all the families meet with their children. It is a time for spiritual and values formation, parents to share their stories, clarify their questions and doubts and a joyful time with the bigger family.
Being part of this program as a volunteer leader I am blessed that I am able to accompany families in our care.
Rosenia Gito, Lay Associate – Bulan, Philippines