To continue the work begun at the Pastoral Care of Vocations Session for Europe and Canada last April in Martillac (see ECHOES, 5 April 2013), the team consisting of:
Maria CROWLEY (Britain and Ireland)
Rosi GARCIA (Spain)
Lorette LAFFARGUE (France)
Maria Adela VANACLOCHA (Martillac)
Pastoral Care of Vocations - Europe and Canada
To continue the work begun at the Pastoral Care of Vocations Session for Europe and Canada last April in Martillac (see ECHOES, 5 April 2013), the team consisting of:
Maria CROWLEY (Britain and Ireland)
Rosi GARCIA (Spain)
Lorette LAFFARGUE (France)
Maria Adela VANACLOCHA (Martillac)
will meet again on 5 – 7 October in order to:
• look at the steps taken since the Session in Martillac
• prepare a meeting of young people with whom we are in contact, for a reflection process,
• see how to move forward with the pastoral care of vocations in Europe and Canada involving the
whole family of Pierre Bienvenu Noailles,
• explore new opportunities for contacts and relationships with young people through the social media.
Let us recall some of the words of Margaret, at the opening of the Martillac session:
The world is changing very rapidly and the way we live our different vocations is changing – a good deal more slowly - however we need to be aware that as we make our Charism known we must also be open to the fact that others who feel drawn to live this Charism today will need to have the freedom to live it in new ways and we must be ready to “let go” and be open to living with trust and faith, willing to facilitate the evolving of the “new” in response to the reality of our time.
“Vocation brings two strands together: the needs of society and the needs of our own inner being. Vocation is often an unfolding process where one step taken leads to another and another with possibilities revealed at each step. Vocational clarity brings with it a life mission, a life work that takes our whole life.