A few introductory words helped us to gather the fruits and deep convictions of the session:
“We have come from different realities and contexts but we are sent on the same misión. We did not come with empty hands nor do we go away with them empty.”
Thursday, 3 October
Closing prayer
A few introductory words helped us to gather the fruits and deep convictions of the session:
“We have come from different realities and contexts but we are sent on the same misión. We did not come with empty hands nor do we go away with them empty.”
Opening the session, Margaret said to us, “When we look at our story from a cosmic perspective we see that everything is gift”. She also said, “the story of the universe reveals three important values that are essential for the on-going process of life - interiority, diversity and communion, this is the way that God is and the way we are called to be”. At the end of the session, let us , trust in the power of Love-Presence acting at the center of our lives. Let us be attracted by love ... may its fire transmit an energy that transforms us because love is the most creative power of nature.
In this climate of prayer, a question to the participants:
What has happened to me during this session? What personal calls have I received for the mission?
A simple sharing:
• Openness, change of mentality, hope
• Growth in the awareness of interdependence
• The mission must become my reference in making decisions and in which not drink.
• The mission should occupy the first place in my mind.
• Increased awareness that I am part of a whole.
• Increased knowledge that goods are meant for everyone, not just for the Institute, and our mission is
to see they circulate.
• Appreciation for all that we received. Thanks to each and every one of those who have made this
The assembly processed into the hall. The first verse of a hymn spoke of an atmosphere of serene joy and trust.
"Together singing the joy,
of seeing us united in faith and love.
Together, feeling in our lives
the joyful presence of the Lord."
After a moment of silence, each of the participants presented a symbol representing her service as bursar. The symbols spoke for themselves: an open book, a sheet of paper, flowers and branches that talk about diversity, lighted candles, life-giving water ...
The final hymn expressed each one’s desires their wishes for one another:
May vision and truth companion you
May beauty be in your eyes
May peace fill your being
Love hold you close
Earth give you guidance
Stars give you hope
Blessings of life to you.