To begin with, we present an overview of the session as follows:
The theme, nature and aim of the session: “Formation for Communion”.
Margaret’s opening words helped the participants to open themselves to the newness of the gift of each day and presented to the group the main objective of the session:


APRIL 2012


To begin with, we present an overview of the session as follows:

  • The theme, nature and aim of the session: “Formation for Communion”
  • Margaret’s opening words helped the participants to open themselves to the newness of the gift of each day and presented to the group the main objective of the session:


“To develop a common thought around Holy Family Formation today”


The Sacred PRESENCE of LOVE in creation let us listen to the WORD as given in today’s gospel, inviting us to new depths of Life.


As the day was breaking, Jesus stood on the beach; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.  He said to them, “Have you no fish? 


Having labored the whole night, they caught nothing.  Struggling in the dark, in the night had been in vain.  Yet the dawn of light, results in abundance with the joyful awareness of who Jesus is.


The disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord.”


God’s Love breaks through creation’s circle of life.  Creation is crying out like the Beloved disciple, “It is the Lord; it is the Holy One”.  Yet this Divine Face, Divine Presence in creation remains unrecognized!


Jesus said to them, “come and have breakfast.”


The Word of God growing out of land and sea and sky keeps inviting, “Come and eat; feast at the table of Earth”.


Let us open our eyes to see and our ears to listen to the new disciples of creation calling us to feast at Earth’s sacred table; to celebrate our oneness with the whole creation in BEING Mutual Self - GIFT.


  • “May they be one, even as we are one.”  
  • “Peace be with you.  As the Father has sent me, so I send you…  Receive the Holy Spirit.”


May these ideas unite us in the desire to give an adequate response to the calls being addressed to us today.