
Kathleen Mitchell, South Africa Our move from Auckland Park to Rose Village, Methodist Retirement Centre, took a long time to become a reality. In fact, we (Shelagh Mary, Melanie, Kathleen and Joy) wondered whether it would happen at all. Once our house in Auckland Park was sold, we were due to... Read more
Sr. Blandina Tsibela Lesotho Due to some restriction movement measures in Lesotho, it is impossible to meet the Marginalized. However, there is an urgent need to fight for women and children who are facing great difficulty of being assaulted and murdered. We succeed this fight as a nation not as... Read more
Bicentenary celebration and Final Profession of Sr. Anualite BUSINGE in Rwanda. please click the link to watch the full video of the Eucharistic Celebration. Hope you will enjoy it! YouTube Link: more
227th Birthday of Ven. Pierre Bienvenu Noailles Your birth was such a gift to your family that your mother named you 'Bienvenu' (Welcome!). Your company was so pleasant to the children that they named you 'Good Father'. Your presence was such an inspiration to our first members and others that they... Read more
Fortunate are those who hunger and thirst for justice, For they shall be satisfied. “Whatever you have done to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to me” Sr. Eucharista Cyril Rizal Community The Holy Family Feeding and Health Program in Rizal in the Diocese of Sorsogon is... Read more
19 September 2020, another historical event marked the story of Holy Family sisters of Italian unit. The community of Monte Nevoso, Rome has finally moved into a new house – a small apartment- in Monte Trina Rome. At first, the house in Monte Nevoso was occupied by the prison chaplains and was sold... Read more
HOLY FAMILY SISTERS ST. DAVID (Lesotho) GIVE FOOD PARCELS TO VULNERABLE STUDENTS On the 27th of August, 2020. The sisters at St. David distributed food parcels and sanitary products to Mampota high school students who are most vulnerable due to covid 19 pandemic. Donated food included maize meal,... Read more
As we all are aware, the awaited 20th General chapter, had to be postponed due to the pandemic COVID 19. However, the chapter commission continues to work with the facilitator, Mr. Matthieu DAUM, seeing the possibilities of how to proceed, re-energizing the members with the preparatory work begun... Read more
The whole world is shaken by the spreading of corona virus. Here in Uganda we began to feel it directly on 21.03.2020 when the lock down was introduced for whole country. Most people were in difficulty because daily earners had no way of earning their living. Movements were restricted and people... Read more
A group in Dublin, led by Lynda Ennis, responded to the Television News about some women in a community centre in Donegal who responded to the need for protective masks for people at the ‘frontline’. Sr. Pauline Harney was invited to join the effort and Pauline, in turn, invited Sisters of her... Read more
It is God's mission we all are engaged in... it is collaborative! The 'Bienvenu Shelter' in South Africa, is a collaborative effort to serve 'the most vulnerable and destitute mother and their children with humanity and dignity.' Here is a tribute to the Holy Family Sisters on the occasion of the... Read more
My name is Durga. I have a sister named Devamma. We both come from the Scheduled Tribe community. We live in the forest of Andhra Pradesh. Our parents go for coolie work (daily wages) and we were kept as bonded laborers in the house of the land lords. Our parents borrow money in advance from the... Read more
I remember a beautiful experience of God in Isangi, in the in DRC, at night, when the electricity was turned off. Over my head: the dark sky with millions of twinkling stars; below, in the field, hundreds of fire-flies blinking their little lamps off and on. I felt that I was with Abraham with his... Read more
05/06/2020 more
International Day of Families proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993, is observed on 15 May every year. Family is the core of any society. It is within a family that all of us have grown and become who we are today. And so we have reason to celebrate the gift of ‘family’. We live in a world... Read more
The month of May is approaching,it is traditional in this month to pray the Rosary at home within the family.For this reason, I want to encourage everyone to rediscover the beauty of praying the Rosary at home in the month of May. This can be done either as a group or individually; you can decide... Read more
Dolors Massot | Apr 19, 2020 If we lose our peace by loading ourselves with messages every day, there is something that can help us master that urge. In many countries the coronavirus pandemic has forced us to be vigilant. To avoid massive contagion, numerous governments have decreed a state of... Read more
MALAWI – the sisters and the priests of Benga Parish involve themselves in the prevention of COVID 19 Today (14/04/2020), the sisters and the youth with the support of their parish have started to bottle 600 liters of hydralcohol which will be distributed to 600 families and the medical centres... Read more
Dear all, We are celebrating a more intense Easter than ever. The silence that surrounds us invites us to enter into our innermost being to participate more deeply in the Paschal Mystery that we celebrate. This Holy Thursday there will be no washing of the feet, but Jesus will be there, washing... Read more
Change has been made possible in the lives of 163 war affected youth in Vanni by ‘knowing and accepting themselves through Meditation'! Smiling faces, positive attitude, determination to live a happy life, Building relationship are some of the values practically experienced by the youth! A... Read more