We have just had a wonderful experience with young people from different parishes, at a summer youth camp for the newly confirmed (11- 16 years ) from 7 - 12 July 2013. This excursion, which in reality was a lovely time of relaxation for our youth, took place within the framework of the objectives our community has decided on to further our ministry. To this end, Jolanta and I were an integral part of the group, through our presence and our contributions to some pastoral activities with the youth.
We would also like to point out that this pastoral activity was organized by Fr. Pierre Labossiere, curate of the parish of St. Charles in which we work.
In all,22 young people, both boys and girls, participated activelyandwith great joyinthe campalong withsevenmonitors,including 3men and 4women.
Three major events struck me personally on which I would like to give my point of view. They are actually my impressions that I want to share with you, namely:
- Fr. Pierre’sconcern, despite his advanced age(81 years), toput togetherseveralyoung peoplefrom different backgrounds, so that they might have anew life experience together devoid of any complexes.Thus,in the words ofthe ApostlePaul, there isneither Jew norGentile, black nor white, rich norpoor,because all aresonsand daughters of thesame Fatherwho is in heaven.
- A bilateral openness from our youth as well as their instructors in an atmosphere of mutual trust, a clear sign of the joy of living together. This could be observed by a kind of integration of newcomers into the group, but also by their openness to listening to the Spirit of God during times of prayer, growing in confidence in themselves and in others.
- The life testimonyof a Quebecwoman of 49 years, a catechistin the parish, for whom this timewas one ofmutual exchange, of totalrelease, of discovery of theactive presenceof God and God’s mercy and forgiveness that is constantly with us.. But mostlyshe appreciatedour witnessof a life given for others andexpresseda desire tocontinue to meet us and discussour lives as fokllowers of Christ.
All in all, the last point of my observation has taught me that we are a multitude seeking God and living by the Divine life, but also the certainty that in Jesus, communion and cooperation are possible.
Finally, I can speak withsatisfaction of my joyin havingbeenpart of thisfirst pastoralexperience, andI trustthat, with Jesus, in ashared commitment toprogress,we can liveandbe his witnessesin this Quebecenvironment.
Montréal Quesnel Canada