On Friday, 8 March, I was invited to the community of Quesnel, there to experience a moment of intense communion, thanksgiving and hope for a new departure. With serene and confident hearts we celebrated the long road travelled together as a community, reminding ourselves of the mission that was entrusted to us up to the present day.
A WINDOW ON LIFEndow on Life
Sisters’ Present at Quesnel
Another piece of history in our Province!
On Friday, 8 March, I was invited to the community of Quesnel, there to experience a moment of intense communion, thanksgiving and hope for a new departure. With serene and confident hearts we celebrated the long road travelled together as a community, reminding ourselves of the mission that was entrusted to us up to the present day.
And so , this time of celebration marked a new beginning.
Monique was to join a new, well-known community, that of 350 Père Marquette, a house better adapted to her physical condition. Aline needs a few more months to recover completely from her severe illness. Paulette is preparing to welcome Jolanta and Aldégonde for the new intercultural project at Quesnel.
What I saw that evening - three beautiful women, standing erect, going forward on a furrow that may be different but leading to the same point on the horizon, the same passion to live the mission of communion in our Holy Family.
With you, my sister, in the province, I would like to thank them and, also, thank all the sisters who have gone through this beautiful milieu where so many links have been forged, links that have always favoured the least fortunate. My sisters, your life has been a Word that ignited hope and we, your travelling companions, thank you. You can count on us to continue your course wherever it may be.
During the celebration, Paulette said this prayer that expresses the best of what each one carries in her heart. I share it with you as the wish that we also make with Monique, Aline and Paulette:
“Lord, Your call leads us always by new and mysterious ways because it is a call to life.
You do not wish your disciples to stop in any fixed place.
Your word invites us to set out each day to be faithful to the people and to the impulsions of the Spirit.
We can never stop, never be certain of what awaits us. But with you we will set out anew; we will continue to advance.
May your Spirit inflame us with the spirit of new beginnings. May we resume our journey with joy, enthusiasm, strength, trust and confidence in your active Presence. Strong in our faith and hope, we turn with You towards the future.”
A new mission, that will soon take form, has been given to the community of Quesnel . It is a project born in the heart of our province gathered in Assembly last June. We will take the opportunity to follow, step by step, the birth and the early stage of this project.
“In this new departure, Lord, teach us today the actions of the great witnesses of your action. Teach us the way of questionings, upheavals, uprootings. Teach us to launch out. Teach us to open to the unknown, to the future.” (Paulette)
May the Good Father accompany us to him, to God!