The Holy Family Sisters concluded their Triple Golden Jubilee with a Solemn Thanksgiving Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, Jaffna. The was concelebrated by the Apostolic Nuncio Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Spiteri, Bishop of Jaffna Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Savundranayagam, Bishop of Ratnapura Rt. Rev. Dr. Cletus C. Perera OSB, Rev. Fr. J. Nicholas, Coordinator- Priest Associates, Jaffna, Rev. Fr. Paul Nadechthiram OMI, Provincial of Jaffna Oblates and priests from the different dioceses who graced the occasion.
The Holy Family Sisters concluded their Triple Golden Jubilee with a Solemn Thanksgiving Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, Jaffna. The was concelebrated by the Apostolic Nuncio Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Spiteri, Bishop of Jaffna Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Savundranayagam, Bishop of Ratnapura Rt. Rev. Dr. Cletus C. Perera OSB, Rev. Fr. J. Nicholas, Coordinator- Priest Associates, Jaffna, Rev. Fr. Paul Nadechthiram OMI, Provincial of Jaffna Oblates and priests from the different dioceses who graced the occasion. The student representatives from the School in the vicinity, the members of the 5 vocations of the Family of Pierre Bienvue Noailles, representatives from the parishes where the Holy Family Sisters are serving joined in the Thanksgiving Eucharist.
The Eucharist was preceded by the procession from the Bishop’s House Chapel and at the entrance to the Cathedral where the Chief celebrant the Apostolic Nuncio was welcomed in the Tamil traditional way by ‘Arathi’ with a “Nirai Kudam” symbolizing the fullness of God’s blessings upon him. A plaque bearing the image of the boat, Bishop Semeria OMI and the six sisters was placed in the Sanctuary and Sr. Yolande Mathias, Provincial Holy Family Sisters, Jaffna carried the lighted Paschal candle placed it in the sanctuary. The Eucharist commenced with the Introduction in Tamil and English. I give below the English introduction:
Distinguished celebrants,
This solemn gathering invites us to recall the many events in the Sacred Scriptures when God’s people came together to praise and thank our God for the divine protection and guidance in their sacred history. One of these instances is found in 1 Chronicles, Ch. 16: 6-12. David, the king and prophet brought the Ark of the Covenant set it inside the tent he had specially pitched for the purpose. He offered sacrifices in thanksgiving, burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. He then called Asaph, the chief of his musicians and his choir to sing the Psalm of thanksgiving with lyres, harps, trumpets and cymbals.
With similar sentiments of awe, gratitude and joy, we, the members of the Holy Family Association (Associates, laity and priests, secular religious, Apostolic and Contemplative sisters) together with all of you, the holy people of God, thank God to whom all praise is due, in those self same words from David:
“Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, and proclaim his deeds to the peoples.
Sing to him, sing his praise; tell of all his marvels.
Glory in his holy name, let the hearts that seek Yahweh, seek, rejoice!”
With heartfelt gratitude, we remember Mgr. Orazio Bettachini – the Vicar Apostolic of the Northern Vicariate and his successor Mgr. Etienne Semeria OMI who in their ardent zeal saw the urgent need for development and education of women and girls in this Vicariate. Mgr. Bettachini in 1845 opened the seminary for boys and girls, entrusting the boys seminary to Mr. Patrick Foy, an Irish gentleman and that of the girls to Mrs. Mary Anne O’Flanagan, wife of an Irish military officer.
It was left to Mgr. Semeria OMI to carry out the project to bring missionaries for the education of the youth. In 1858, the affiliation of the Holy Family Congregation and the Oblates of Mary Immaculate was signed by the two Founders, Ven. Pierre Bienvenu Noailles and Bishop St. Eugene De Mazenod. This facilitated the realization of the project. The Holy Family missionaries were chosen and were given intensive preparation in Martillac – the spiritual Centre of the Holy Family.
In 1861 Mgr. Semeria was called to assist at the General Chapter of the Congregation to elect Mgr. De Mazenod’s successor. On his return journey to Ceylon – he was able to recruit two Irish brothers, Bro. Conway and Bro. Dowing for the direction of the Boys’ Schools. Fathers Boutin and Boisseau and six sisters of the Holy Family and they embarked from Marseilles. The party finally reached their destination Jaffna on 1st November, travelling by the ‘Pearl’ – the colonial steamer placed at the disposal of Bishop Semeria – through the courtesy of the then Governor, Sir Mc Charles Justin Macharthy – a relative of Cardinal Wiseman. Their arrival, the warm welcome accorded to them, their generous and selfless service in the mission country are now history – but printed in letters of gold in the Book of Life.
Today we gratefully recall all the Holy Family missionaries and indigenous sisters who have toiled in this land, all you have journeyed with them – the holy and zealous missionaries of the OMI Congregation, diocesan priests, all the Catholics and peoples of all religions, our past pupils of all the Holy Family Convent Schools. As we relive the 150 years, we beg the Almighty God for new energy for the years to come.
We conclude with the challenging words of our Founder Venerable Pierre Bienvenu Noailles which inspired, sustained the missionaries then and which continues to give life to us today and for the future.
Wer beg God to re-fill us all with the Spirit of god Alone, the Spirit of universal charity, to faithfully walk in the footsteps of Jesus Mary and Joseph and of all our generous Holy Family predecessors who toiled selflessly, untiringly and joyfully for the spread of God’s reign in our land.
“There is nothing now that can check your course. God forward, increase in numbers and virtues and may your hands scatter on all sides the divine seed of good works and good example.” PBN
The Mass was in English and Tamil with hymn and prayers of the faithful in the three languages, English, Tamil and Sinhala. The Apostolic Nuncio in his sermon based on the Gospel, gave a thought provoking message, stressing on the need to cling to God who is the source and strength to live a fruitful life through our prayer life and the Word of God. Bishop Thomas Savundranayagam stressed on the year of Faith and the call by the Church to deepen and strengthen our faith in our daily life to respond to the situations that our people are facing in our society.
At the conclusion of the Mass the Apostolic Nuncio imparted the Apostolic blessing. Sr. Francis Joseph gave the vote and thanks invited the participants to join the Family of P.B. Noailles in the fellowship meal arranged in different places.
At 4.30 p.m. all proceeded to St. John’s College auditorium to participate in the Cultural programme, “Splash of Colors” was organized to bring all celebration to a joyful ending. The special invitees were welcomed in the traditional way at the entrance to the auditorium, with the lighting of the traditional lamp, opening prayer to the Trinity ‘Bajana’ was intoned with this the programme for the evening commenced with a welcome dance. This was followed by the welcome speech by Sr. Yolande Mathias, Provincial, H.F. Jaffna. The launching of the Jubilee Souvenir “Bountiful Blessing” a glimpse into content of the Souvenir was given by Sr. Bonaventure Emmanuel and the distribution of the Souvenir to the special invitees and others took place. This was followed by speeches from special invitees and a Message from the Apostolic Nuncio about being Family and the need of the time in this country is to build up this family spirit which is necessary to live in unity and communion. Bishop Thomas Savundranayagam, in his humorous way stressed on the need to give a Christian name to our children and that it helps the child to follow the footprints and values of their patron which in the long run will help to deepen the faith of the child. The day came to a close with the vote of thanks by Sr. Jeevamalar Philip, Councillor and a final song dedicated to the Souvenir “Bountiful Blessing”
Bonaventian Bastian