Projects and Administration of Goods

The aim of the day was to enable the participants to reach a common understanding of the criteria to be used in dealing with projects and the administration of goods.
They approached these topics in the context of the Holy Family Mission with reference to the document, Guidelines for the Administration of Goods (2007).

Saturday, 28 September


Topic:    Projects and Administration of Goods in the Holy Family


The aim of the day was to enable the participants to reach a common understanding of the criteria to be used in dealing with projects and the administration of goods.


They approached these topics in the context of the Holy Family Mission with reference to the document, Guidelines for the Administration of Goods (2007).


The Corporate Commitment, one of the steps to help us “move forward together in our consecrated life for mission”, has this to say:


Moved by our passion for God’s reign, to discern the calls of the Spirit in the signs of the times,    especially:

  • In the voice of the poor by committing ourselves with courage and daring to seek with them conditions of life that ensure dignity for all
  • By being alert to all that destroys and threatens the life of our planet, to work as a body, in close collaboration with the members of our Family and with others to ensure sustainability
  • By taking action, locally and globally, for the transformation of situations and structures that hinder communion.

We believe these are urgent commitments in our following of Jesus today.


Another text that enlightened the reflection was that of José Cristo Rey Carcia Paredes:


“The most important characteristic of a religious superior is to be possessed by the missionary passion of God for the world. We do not need managers of institutions and enterprises but authentic prophets who feel God’s love for his people. A religious service of authority touched with this missionary spirit will be able to fire with enthusiasm all the members of the community … The service of authority in the religious community must build consciousness and awareness that we are co-partners with Jesus in his dream for the future of the world. As Evangeli Nuntiandi said, the religious resources and institutions in which we cannot perceive strong missionary inspiration have no reason to be. A service of authority from this perspective of mission is not afraid; it takes risks in searching and finding new paths for mission.”